


6 years, 8 months ago


A r a c h n o p h o b e

N a m e
N i c k n a m e s
W o r l d
N a t i o n a l i t y
A g e

C l a s s
A f f i l i a t i o n


Arach ("Erik")
Medieval Europe (idk)

Spider Vampire
hes just trying his best


A p p e a r a n c e

He lives in medieval europe but somehow wears a hoodie. i do not know.

he can shapeshift into a giant spider covered in knives by merging with hundreds of spiders. he also talks to spiders. 

P e r s o n a l i t y + L i v e l i h o o d

🕷 Spider-Vampirism

His race are basically like vampires but associated with spiders instead of bats. He cannot stay in sunlight for long (it is not destructive, only bothersome), is stereotypically susceptible to holy/blessed things, and requires blood to live.

🕷 Social

He is remarkably friendly despite his murderous behavior. He enjoys meeting new people, and in conversation he seems cheerful and inquisitive. He can make good company, but he has issues with actually making friends and tends to move on before actually getting to know people; being bothered by the demon's cravings, he doesn't like to spend too much time around people he actually likes. 

He is remarkably moral. Though he doesn't like to spend much time with friends, he is also very loyal and much prefers to target the cruel. Though a fine enough fellow, he is rather optimistic about vampirism and has cheerfully come to terms with it and the natural prioritization of his own survival; he just tries his best to be a good chap while he's at it.

He chugs respect women juice by the gallon.

🕷 Personal

This boy likes nature and animals. if he went to a zoo he'd probably lose his mind

He likes to read books/stories but isn't very literate

🕷 Lifestyle

he's wild and free, out yonder in the hills of ireland. what does he do out there. i do not know

🕷 Arachnophobe

Though he goes by the name of the demon, the human and Arachnophobe are technically two separate entities. True Arachnophobe spends most of his time in hibernation, leaving the tough task of being alive for the human host to handle; it communicates to him in little more than voiceless instinct.

B a c k g r o u n d

Arachnophobe is a race of demons that possess children before they are born (hence 'spawns of the devil'). Erik was a wee boy born with stupid spider legs and the dad was all 'aaa demon child' but mother said 'no my boy' so the dad begrudgingly kept the child but then one day he said no more so arachnophobe said AAA and killed him! then killed the mom too and then 8 year old child was like. 'well shit. what now' and arach was like aaa you're a vampire so then the child gave up his human name, took arachs name, he's a vampire now, he lives in the hills

S t o r y

he aint got one and probably wont get one because he is irredeemably emo and i am forever scarred by that weird guy who wanted me to roleplay vore