


7 years, 12 days ago


Basic Statistics

Name: Felicity [Last Name Unknown]
Nickname: Chrysanthemum-1926, 1926, Chryssie, Chrysanthemum, Chrys
Age: 23--July 17, 1994
Gender: Female, She/Her

Chrysanthemum-1926 Profile

Physical Characteristics: Chrysanthemum is a Caucasian female with arabesque skin, honey brown hair, and Carolina blue eyes. She stands at 5'1 (155 cm) and weighs approximately 134 lbs (61 kg). She has a fuller hourglass/figure eight body type. She has a diamond shaped face, large, downturned eyes, and neck-length hair.

Personality: Chrysanthemum is rather passive and timid, doing what she says at all times even if it's discomforting for her. She doesn't speak much and brief with her responses, but once she finds something she has in common with someone else, she can actually be quite excitable and, relatively, open. Though not one for speaking, she enjoys listening to others and hearing about their ambitions and thoughts. She's a major philanthropist.


  • Reading (mostly mystery, but also informational texts on nature and animals)
  • Watching the sunrise/sunset or generally watching the gradual changes of the world outside
  • Daydreaming--she likes to imagine what the world is like outside of the facility


  • Small spaces
  • Hospital Settings (Doctors, Needles, etc.)
  • Flowers
  • Sterile and clean smells
  • Blood and gore (particularly her own)
  • Immoral behaviour, "ends justify the means" types
  • Death and comatose
  • Sharp or painful objects

Backstory: Chrysanthemum spent most of her childhood in an orphanage under the name of Felicity, having been given up for adoption due to her biological family not having the finances to take proper care of her. In her mid teens, Chrysanthemum was taken to a secluded research facility where she would be taken care of and observed for the rest of her life, having most of her past erased and being renamed to 'Chrysanthemum' for a reason she wouldn't quite understand until she'd reached adulthood. Throughout a majority of her life from then on, she had procedures, protocol, numbers, dates, names, and various studies of the research facility crammed into her brain. Most of her time at the facility was rather inconsistent, traumatizing, and isolated. When she had turned twenty, she was finally briefed on 'The Chrysanthemum Project' which she had been unknowingly selected and trained for throughout her adolescence. Afterward, she was put through many debilitating and torturous experiments, the most notable one being an experiment which failed and, in turn, gave her the ability to regenerate. Intrigued by this, researchers felt a need to figure out her limits, the goal of Chrysanthemum-1926 soon becoming a race to figure out what it took to actually kill her.

Ongoing Story: Chrysanthemum still resides in the facility, most of her days being spent in a small, padded room isolated from most. Due to her more unique schedule compared to other Chrysanthemums, she doesn't interact very much with others and has little desire to interact with staff and doctors. Her unique ability to regenerate is constantly tested and she's been through experiment after experiment, her limits--and sometimes her physical body--being stretched thin. Chrysanthemum still spends a majority of her time reading, fantasizing, and entertaining herself with whatever she can find, having sleep as her only alternative.

Extra Info

Chrysanthemum's regeneration can take mere minutes to months depending on the severity of her injury. Observed processes have been:

Small cuts -- under five minutes

  • Amputation -- up to several hours
  • (Complete) Dismemberment -- three to five days
  • Immolation -- two weeks (at least)
  • Crushed to Death -- up to four weeks
  • Annihilation of physical body by intense explosion or other devastating forces -- up to two months depending

Observations are based on regeneration of physical body and minimal nerve regeneration--full restoration of nerves can take longer depending on the injury

She is completely conscious throughout the entire regeneration process, therefore, she has felt her body repairing itself from a variety of wounds and can clearly remember it to an extent. Of course, if her brain is destroyed, this is an exception since her consciousness must return before the regeneration process can be put to memory. Nerve restoration also affects her ability to feel herself regenerating, but she can typically report certain sensations and memories.

Chrysanthemum does age, however, her physical body ages much slower than those who have not undergone Chrysanthemum-1926 or similar experiments--which would be few considering that her experiment was technically a failure. Her physical peak comes much later and it takes her body a long time to decline, so though she may be 60 years old, her body may be a decade or two behind. This, however, is simply a theory created by the scientists who contributed to Chrysanthemum-1926 or The Chrysanthemum Project as a whole. It still isn't confirmed just how much her aging process has slowed down nor has it been confirmed whether or not she can die from old age.