F2U || X3 (cw: eyestrain) (example)



2 years, 7 months ago





Hothyf's surface level is one of a formal and well composed leader. Fair, benevolent and no-nonsense, or so he likes to think. He speaks in a very cold manner and uses big words. A lot of the time, he will talk at you, not to you. Although he honestly doesn't know what he's talking about a lot of the time, he just pretends he does and hopes you don't know what he's talking about either. He sees everyone as lesser on every level, intelligence, status, strength, capability, etcetera. Your first impressions of him is probably that of a stuck-up nerd. If you want him to respect you, you have a lot of work to do. He often babies those he cares about, being fiercely overprotective and acting like a helicopter parent of sorts. He's a total control freak and despises the feeling of powerlessness. His true self is a lot more... Worrying. He is disgusted by his own violence and covers it with the mask of him doing something Good. He has a large complex due to the fact that he is an angel, so he thinks that he can get away with anything. As for Roddon, he enjoys the feeling of owning something that he can guiltlessly abuse. When he's in a craze, he starts saying the horrible violent thoughts he's thinking out loud. He doesn't really care about anyone but himself and his own success, and will fight tooth and nail to succeed with whatever he's trying to do. He is absolutely petrified of failure, to him, failure is death and death is failure. Everything he does is right and morally correct, and if something is wrong, it isn't his fault. He finds acts of violence disgusting, despite craving it himself, and will openly voice his disgust for it. He's a massive hypocrite and since he shares a lot of traits he denounces, he has a deep seated self loathing that he will never face or come to terms with.


Heath [LAST NAME REMOVED] grew up as the youngest human son of the ruler of Daunting Cove. He was second in the line as heir to his brother Gabriel. There was constant tension in the household as Gabriel and Heath hated each other with a burning passion. Their father very openly preferred Gabriel over Heath and would encourage them to fight each other, in order to better themselves. Heath was much more intelligent than Gabriel, and Gabriel resented him for it. Jealously motivated both of them to start their own companies. Gabriel got a lot of monetary support from their father but blew it on a lavish lifestyle. Heath got the scraps, which he used expertly and resourcefully. His company became incredibly successful while Gabriel stayed with his father. Heath focused on his career for years before returning to his father. But to his dismay, instead of praising him, his father mocked him. He called his money "dirty new money" and once again compared him to Gabriel. This crushed Heath and he vowed to never go back to his father again. He continued working full time and got more and more obsessive. He stopped sleeping and eating. He worked himself into a deep spiral of madness. Until one day he met a man named Rodney [LAST NAME REMOVED]. He met him on the subway when he was driving to Innovator Court for a business meeting. They hit it off despite being polar opposites. Rod was a kind, fun-loving rock star as opposed to Heath's obsessive and uptight nature. They began having scheduled hangouts every two months, then monthly, then bimonthly, until eventually they were hanging out several times a week. Rod showed Heath how to chill and enjoy life. Heath slacked off work more and more to hang out with Rod. Then one day, everything changed. Heath contracted an incurable disease and died.

Heath woke up in the land of Dreamside. A huge angel appeared in front of him. Its name was [̶̞̦̌̓̆͝Ṉ̵̨̜̠̲̏̈́̀͌A̵̫̓̄̓́͑̉͘͘M̵̮̭͉̈́̾̓̈́̃̾E̶̘̜̻̰̱̞͗̈́̓̈̆̽͝ ̴͔̆̓͂H̵̰̾͛̅́A̵̡̪̥̍̐͆͑̌ͅŜ̸̛̙͙̓͗̀ ̴̡͇͓̟͕̀̈́̓͒̇̕͜B̶̯̑̓͘E̸̢̡̢̞͎̥̙͂͑̽͒́̐̎͌E̸͇͓͙̪̅͒̊̋̄Ṉ̴͎̹̣̟͒͌ ̸̡͚͕̻̪̙̣͈̒̑̕Ŗ̶͖͚̙͚̽̏͛̆Ȩ̶͍͔͑́̈́͐̚͜M̴̨̢̢̩͖͕͔̟̯̈O̵͉̠̻̖̓V̶͉͎̺͙̈́̌͒̉̚͠Ȅ̷̳͇̱̽͠Ď̶̳̯͍̮̌̏̾̆̓͠]̶̨̟̫͔̤͇̿̕. The angel showed him the entire history of everything in the universe. Heath was given a new name, Hothyf Vegnxy, and transformed into an angel. He was given the job of Protector. He protected the people of the mortal plane for dozens of years. But then he began to feel a creeping feeling of bloodlust. It was quiet at first, but it grew stronger and stronger as the days went by. Then one day, after helping Obscurity's people, he couldn't control himself anymore. He destroyed the entire city and killed all of its residents. Obscurity is now a ghost town. Hothyf's higher-ups never discovered his destruction and chalked the tragedy up to the attack of a demon. Then, his old friend Rod died and appeared as an 'Apprentice', an angel that had not yet fully ascended. He was assigned to help Hothyf. Rod greeted Hothyf, full of joy to see his new friend. To his horror, Hothyf was cold and aggressive. He just wanted to get on with his duties. Rod, who's new name was now Roddon, tried to once again break him out of his shell. But Hothyf grew physically violent towards Roddon, so he stopped trying. The people of the mortal plane had always been grateful towards Hothyf for protecting them, but a few people took this too far. A cult began slowly forming in his honour. One that believed that he was the one true 'Prince of Heaven'.



Hothyf and Roddon have been friends since they were still alive. Roddon is the main subject of Hothyf's torment. Hothyf constantly belittles, humiliates, tortures and criticises him. Roddon cannot get away from him due to them being spiritually and legally tied to him due to his job. Rod also doesn't think he deserves any better than the treatment he gets, due to his criminally low self esteem. Despite being constantly at Hothyf's mercy, Rod craves his praise and is very jealous of anyone that Hothyf pays attention to. Hothyf doesn't see Rod as a person, just a toy. It's a terrible relationship


mommy? sorry. /..mommy? sorry. m. mommy? sorry... ...mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry... mom..my?? sorryy...


Luv and Lux are the leaders of the cult Church of Vegnxy. They are both extremely obsessed with Hothyf, and Hothyf likes that. He shows a lot more composure while around the two of them. He goes for more of a honey approach than a vinegar one with these two devoted followers. 


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