HTML #2's Comments

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You have to put the style tag right after the class (right after the " of it). THough aou also need to delete the "bg-danger" from the class itself because it otherwise overwrites your background color.

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"Style" comes into the same div as the "class".

So it's <h1 class="text-white p-2 text-center rounded mb-3" style="background: #000000;"><i class="fa fa-tint"></i> Character Name <i class="fa fa-tint"></i></h1>

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No problem! I'm glad I could help!

2 Replies

Is there any way to change the color of the headers, borders, and background in these boxes? Also the text?

Im super new to coding so I only know how to change colors if an obvious color= #FFFFFF; or RGB code is there or something

Yes, hello! Sorry for the late reply, I am not as often online on this account.

You can change the color of the boxes, headers etc with taking out the "bg-danger" in the code and adding after the closetag > of it a <style="background:#HEXCOLOR;"> same goes with the background of the boxes! Take out the "bg-faded" and insert the same styletag with the wanted color. If you want to edit the textcolor you can do it by <p style="color:COLOR">.

In case the TH eats all my typed codes above you can see many neat tricks on! Textcolor is here for example.


That makes sense <3

You're welcome!

This is so good! May I use this in the future?

Sure, go ahead!