General Dice



Basic Info

Full Name: (Orignial Human Name)

Dianne Coureur


Burrito Folk



Height / Weight:


Body Type:

Light Hourglass.


Physically around her 20s, techinally around her 80s





General Dice is a 5'11 Burrito Folk General. Known for her steampunk prosthetic arms, incredible driving, and passion for fire. She is also the leader of the pyrotechnics/arsonist division of the Burrito Folk

Her signature style is being a swift powerhouse with just her arms alone, dealing blunt damage with her metal arms. However her prosthetic arms need to release steam every so often to prevent overheating. Dice can also fire off her fists using excess steam as well, held together by a grapple wire. Dice's main weapon of choice is a personally made rocket launcher, The Three-Ball,  which has the ability to fire 3 rockets in a burst at once. She also uses as a melee attack as seen with the dents. Her other weapon is a Burrito Folk lever shotgun.

Outside of combat, Dice often tries to be fairly mellow, in contrast to her combat personality. She just spends most of her time alone or with a few people, such as with Galleo, Burns, or the Majors. Due to her forgotten past of being so alone, she has a suppressed driving erge to be around the people who actually enjoy being around her, even though she doesn't know like her. Dice also has a frequent habit of smoking churros usually in her room or at the cafeteria floor's balcony for their taste.

Dice's Hair is Swiss Cheese, a very unique look.

Early Life:

Dianne was born roughly in the late 1950s without lower arms, which troubled her through most of her early life with many people choosing not to interact with her. Around when she was 10, watched and became a huge fan of the Speed Racer franchise which sparked her interest in fast driving and also explosions/fire. (This also means in this canon, there was a French dub of Speed Racer in 1967 )

Prior to getting transported to Cornutopia, Dianne somehow in her 20s, in the 1970s, was able to land a job working for a military division. Her lack of arms  allowed her to excel in both running as well as leg-focused combat. This specific division was experimenting with teleportation during the Cold War. While she was persecuted much like the other soon-to-be Burrito  Generals, all of them managed to get warped to Cornutopia in a freak  accident and completely lose most of their memories after landing. Now  after getting some new steampunk arms she's even tougher than ever and  has earned the respect from many of her peers.