


2 years, 7 months ago



I am currently listening to...

Battle! Iron Leaves (Paradox Virizion) - Zame



Name: Asher

Height: 163cm

Age: Appears 15

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: E.S. (Ein Soph)

Birthday: May 12, 4768TC

Status: PINGING...

Location: Unknown


The E.S. Asher given sentience. He is a lively fellow with an absurd amount of firepower behind his attacks. Cheery and often cheeky, one might fathom that he is inexperienced and not calculatated.
Of course, things are not as they seem. Asher is just as cool-headed as chaos and as intelligent as Jr.; his current pilots. And although Canaan does not pilot the E.S. any more, he shares their analytical side and genuinely calculates the output of all his actions.
That doesn’t mean he isn’t babied by Jr., though (as Jr. tends to do…).

When Asher was missing its Anima Relic, the professor proposed a plan - he would make up for the difference in power by giving the E.S. Erde Kaiser’s generator and creating an android that would inherit everything from its memory banks.
The professor, being the eccentric old man that he is, ended up creating an android on par with T-elos, although he seems… Modest about this fact…
Asher is aware of his strengths, and of course his weaknesses too… but he quite enjoys boasting about how he can get everyone out of a pinch when necessary. Despite the haughty attitude, he was programmed to protect. Protecting those he cares about is his entire being. The front of being a silly little guy is even calculated - because emotions are often fickle and something equivalent to a constant ray of sunshine is bound to help, right? Asher says there’s a 99.999786% chance that yes, it will help.

After the events of Xenosaga Episode III, he found himself on Lost Jerusalem with Abel, Nephilim, and chaos. His current state is unknown, but he is at least in a somewhat functional state...


"Ashes to Asher! FLARE BUSTER!"



Asher spends most of his time with Jr. and chaos. He does get along with KOS-MOS and Shion as well, and then of course, the professor (his creator).
When Canaan is around, Asher spends all of his time with them. Canaan holds a special place in Asher's heart due to them being the E.S. Asher's first pilot. Canaan seems to have a soft spot for the android as well, likely due to all the missions they once carried out together.
Jin very much likes Asher as well, and the two do team up together in battle quite often.

As unlikely as it is, Asher has a very special connection with Abel, U-DO's proxy. Abel first showed itself to Asher as a strange, Gnosis-like being that resembled Abel himself and Ω Res Novae. Despite the logical choice being to attack what counted as an enemy, Asher merely stared at the entity, and it stared back, before fading away into the upper domain.
Abel is mute, but Asher can communicate with him perfectly fine, as if Abel was actually talking. Nephilim is the only other existence that can understand Abel in the real world (all other ways of communicating with U-DO involve being within one's subconscious).

While not close with Allen, Asher enjoys teasing him and poking fun at the poor man. Jr. will often join in on his antics (or even be the initiator).
Asher somehwat has a rivalry with T-elos, as he matches her specs and she often attacks the Elsa crew, leaving them helpless. He managed to distract her and walk away unscathed while the group recovered KOS-MOS. T-elos is curious about Asher, but in the end she never approaches him of her own will.

Abel's final relationship is with Simeon, who is an amalgamation of Albedo's Kirsch and the E.S. Simeon. She is very quiet and withdrawn, but finds themself extremely interested in meeting Asher (although they do not wish to say this outloud). The White Testament ordered Simeon to track down the crew of the Elsa, which led to her encountering Asher once he took notice of her. They immediately fled upon discovery...
They did keep encountering each other, and with time, were introduced as if they were two kittens belonging to two different people (they might as well be). As the only two Sentient E.S., they care very much for each other and view each other as family, due to Albedo and Jr., respectively.



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Asher shares his equipment database with the E.S. version (frame) of himself; his most common method of attack is Shot Buster, a beam attack composed of Ether. He also enjoys using Flare Buster - a fire based Ether attack and Cerberus - a lightning based attack.
In combat, he has two Aird pistols that float alongside him. Despite their small size, they are very deadly and could be considered a mini version of a Phase Transfer Cannon. They can also combine in order to turn into the rifle used to fire off Shot Buster.
He specialises in both Ether and Physical attacks, and can change his fighting style depending on the enemy's weakness(es). When attacking physically, he tends to kick with his heels and use Sting Ray V to stab the enemy.


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V2 Assault II (Two-handed) (Weapon)
AF-Ghost (Armour Frame)
G-Ignis III (Generator)
C-US9 (CPU) D-Guard, D-Kill C, D-Kill R, D-Anima (Disks)

Sting Ray V (Right), G90 Assault, Tempest GP, Drache-RR, SG-M Wolf, BZ Avenger (Left) (Weapons)
D-Half Physical, D-Type M, D-Type G, D-Nullify Evade, D-Frame II (Disks)




  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 His pilots, the Elsa crew, U-DO/Abel, Simeon, Albedo, Gaignun
  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 Cats, deep sea creatures; creatures in general
  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 Making predictions/calculations
  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 Protecting those he cares for
  • e02e3b64.gif?v=12c7c0a1 High-energy scenarios


  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa Worms (Both naturally occurring ones and computer worms)
  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa Being serious
  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa Being without his Robot Academy hoodie (It's a comfort item)
  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa Wilhelm
  • 008d2887.gif?v=a5c82efa Being alone
  • 3f7180d1.gif?v=12c7c0a1 His height is the mean (average) of Canaan's, Jr.'s, and chaos's heights. He also has features from all three of them, since they left such a strong impact on him as his pilots. He has Canaan's bangs, Jr's hair length and fluff, and chaos's skin tone and hair texture. His way of speaking is a mixture of all three as well, which can be seen in a lot of his phrases that he throws around in battles.
  • 3f7180d1.gif?v=12c7c0a1 He is able to pilot his E.S. frame, standing in for either Jr. or chaos, or completely piloting it on his own.
  • 3f7180d1.gif?v=12c7c0a1 For unknown reasons, he is able to vaguely see past dimensional boundaries. This is what allows him to communicate with (and eventually befriend) U-DO/Abel.
  • 3f7180d1.gif?v=12c7c0a1 His most common hand gesture is a double peace sign. He very much enjoys the pose.
  • 3f7180d1.gif?v=12c7c0a1 He has sharp canine teeth, reminiscent of Jr.'s draconic traits.




