


9 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info









Sexual orientation









Mauro is very timid. He is very introverted and would rather make friends with characters in movies or books instead of real life. Unfortunately, this has made him rather lonely, leading him to really want to make some new friends! Once he opens up, he becomes very cheerful and eager to impress. As soon as he's decided if he likes someone, he might seem a bit clingy. He also gets jealous rather easily.


Tackle - Normal | Thunder Wave - Electric | Thunder Shock - Electric | Electric Terrain - Electric (Egg)


Mauro grew up in a small, quaint home out in the country with his mother, who resided on one of the human's farms. There, they harvested the Mareep and Flaafy's wool, along with collecting electricity for the populace. His only friends were the other, quieter mareep and the occassional passerby that took an interest in him. So, he ended up feeling incredibly lonely. He'd stumble upon an oportunity to "read" a picture book every now and again, although that kind of thing was very rare. When he could, though, he loved to look at the pictures and wonder what it would be like to explore the world and find someplace fresh and new. However, he soon tired of his home. He wanted to see the world and to explore all of the wonders that it held! Or at least, find some sort of lovely fantasy land and live out his own story just like in his books. That, and he didn't want to be stuck on some ranch for the rest of his life. So, he soon snuck out, and through a friend, he learned of a nice island just for pokemon, leaving him without fear of being caught and tamed.

Extra information

+ Please refrain from touching him, he has problems with containing his electricity and unless he's focused on something else, chances are that he'll shock you! Thankfully it won't kill or induce fainting or anything + If he really likes you, you only have a 1/3 chance of getting shocked + He's really bad when it comes to socializing, there's better chances of a friendship if someone else initiates the conversation + He wears some sort of Christmas lights around his tail which he can turn on whenever he wants


♫    Profile 

Name: Mauro

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Mareep

Nature: Timid

Ability: Static


Tackle - Normal 

Thunder Wave - Electric

Thunder Shock - Electric

Electric Terrain - Electric

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Status: Single



Mauro is very timid. He is very introverted and would rather make friends with characters in movies or books instead of real life. Unfortunately, this has made him rather lonely, leading him to really want to make some new friends! Once he opens up, he becomes very cheerful and eager to impress. As soon as he's decided if he likes someone, he might seem a bit clingy. He also gets jealous rather easily.




+ Please refrain from touching him, he has problems with containing his electricity and unless he's focused on something else, chances are that he'll shock you! Thankfully it won't kill or induce fainting or anything         

+ If he really likes you, you only have a 1/3 chance of getting shocked      

+ He's really bad when it comes to socializing, there's better chances of a friendship if someone else initiates the conversation     

+ He wears some sort of Christmas lights around his tail which he can turn on whenever he wants

♫    Background

Mauro grew up in a small, quaint home out in the country with his mother, who resided on one of the human's farms. There, they harvested the Mareep and Flaafy's wool, along with collecting electricity for the populace. His only friends were the other, quieter mareep and the occassional passerby that took an interest in him. So, he ended up feeling incredibly lonely. He'd stumble upon an oportunity to "read" a picture book every now and again, although that kind of thing was very rare. When he could, though, he loved to look at the pictures and wonder what it would be like to explore the world and find someplace fresh and new.      However, he soon tired of his home. He wanted to see the world and to explore all of the wonders that it held! Or at least, find some sort of lovely fantasy land and live out his own story just like in his books. That, and he didn't want to be stuck on some ranch for the rest of his life. So, he soon snuck out, and through a friend, he learned of a nice island just for pokemon, leaving him without fear of being caught and tamed.

♫    Drawing Notes