nn's Comments

Will do a custom and a fullbody!

Ah heya! My apologies for my delayed response, but I actually just got this guy a day before your comment! I'm not seeking to trade them at this time.

open? if so id love to snag for $3 if i can

If they're still open I'd live to snag!!

Cant offer money but anyone from my for sale or other folders? I may have some off limits but if any interest you...

I would love to offer $6 for them!

thank you so much!!

my paypal is: [email protected]

please write in the comment to the payment "for silverzzzzz". Thank you!

Aaaaand money has been sent! Any special rules/ restrictions / TOS I should be aware of?

♡ do not delete this character from toyhouse, otherwise I won't be able to track original page and figure out whether the character is stolen or not (if you need to delete a character, you can just save a screenshot-proof that the character really belongs to you)

♡ do not assign authorship to yourself

♡ do not gift \ sell \ trade my design to people from the blacklist in any way

✖ black list ✖
NightflightloawShar (stealing art and characters)
Purple_Plays (stealing art and characters)

that's all! ;w;