SHARKY BOY (TBN)'s Comments

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Yeah sure you can ! My discord is tf2 enthusiast#7004

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Weird. Guess we’ll have to talk here

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Anyone in DogsBody interest you?

If all that is in there is ferals or anthro canines and similar designs then no

cute! anybody from my th interest you for them? I can also offer art :>

Didn’t see anyone/anything I was interested in, thank you!

Yo they're so cool! I'd love to offer a trade of some kind; aooga is off-limits, and I might be tent on certain characters in fancy boys <3 but as long as they don't have too much art I'll def consider most. keep an eye on the nfs tags <3

here ya go!

I actually didn’t see anyone I’d be willing to trade this guy or Lance for, thanks for the offer though

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I don’t think I saw anyone that I’d use!

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Would anyone from seventh step interest you? and\or art?

I'm so sorry for the wait, i've thought it over and would you be open to trading this cool fella?

Yeah absolutel!

Sick, thank you! Once you set up the transfer i'll send this dude your way!