


2 years, 11 months ago


Design by Discount Miles Edgeworth#4198 (678778577549787159) and 🕸 Garl!c 🕸#0028 (592440219316387840)

You're in a room with doors, doors painted with different colors and insignias, doors surrounding you, doors extended down the hall as far as the eye can see. The floor is obsidian specked with the purest of quartz, and flecks of the light oranges, yellows, and blues of other precious stones in between, giving the impression of walking on stars. The ceiling - or, rather, lack of - is the space far above and out, with real stars as well as spinning planets of varying sizes, shapes, and colors. All of this is presided over by a creature about the size of a lion, mostly purple with spots of blue and magenta, who meditates on a cushioned chair which is simple compared to the grandeur of the room.

Infinition is this creature, and sensing the presence of someone else in the room, she awakens from her trance and glides down to the ground. The rings encircling her body and the... spines? feathers? along her spine and tail bob slightly as she walks. Clusters of stars and a couple of tiny planets with moons orbit her body, and she blinks, violet eyes focusing on you. Infinition, you have heard, is the guardian of all dimensions and universes, timelines of the same planet, keeper of the lands known only to creative writing and pure imagination.

She cocks her head, asking you, "What is it that you seek?" in a voice tinged with an accent that you can't place. Infinition has taken a liking to English, her native tongue much too pure and complicated for anyone but herself to understand.

You respond with your destination, and Infinition nods, closing her eyes as she concentrates and racks her memory. A moment later, you both are standing in front of the glowing door which you wish to travel through.

"Good luck on your journey," Infinition bids you farewell. You thank her in return, and she returns a polite "You're welcome" before you embark on your voyage of this world.

As the writing suggests, Infinition is a guardian who holds the keys to all of the lands of my personal imagination. She has access to every fictional world which I have ever dreamed up or written down, as well as multiple points of time within a world, if I have ever had more than one character in a world but at separate times.

It's unknown just what Infinition is, as she's the only member of her species and even she herself doesn't know that. Due to this, she has no sex, but still refers to herself as female, and generally doesn't care what others call her.

She has a few special abilities which mostly relate to her job as a guardian, such as teleportation to save the time walking and gliding from location to location. The planets and star clusters around her body are for decoration, but the rings encircling her glow when she's happy.