


7 years, 6 days ago


Kujoin (久芳院) Was was a woman of the late  Azuchi-Momoyama through early Edo period.  She was the daughter of Yoshiki Isshiki and the legal wife of Takatora Todo. Though she was deemed infertile, Takatora remained with her, and adopted one son and two daughters.

Personality: Kujoin was a very passionate young woman, known for being a spitfire and very very clever.

Knows her husband better than most, and never let his cold exterior put her off. shes well aware of his compassionate nature, especially considering her ailment.

Sometimes questions the side shes chosen, but remains more dedicated to her husband than anything else.

Has been known to speak out of turn at times due to her passionate nature, but rarely is the first to apologize

Generally spends a lot of time with children when she can. She regrets never being able to have any of her own, but enjoys taking care of those that she can

Has a passion for fishing when she can. Doesn't usually tell anyone about this, however

She is a very sociable young woman, but can sometimes get shy when she finds herself getting carried away talking to those higher up or even people she cares for. 

Kujoin greatly respects her husband, and is extremely loyal to him. His decision to constantly remain by her side despite her complete inability to give him children, due to her infertility, has been a defining factor in her relationship with him.

Teneds to hold Takatora's  love for mochi and manjū over him. She thinks it's cute despite his defensiveness about it

Somewhat of a clutz at times

Can have a hard time keeping up with her husband at times, since hes so much taller than she is. He tends to take larger steps. when she starts falling too far behind, or becomes tired, he isn't shy about carrying her, even if she is.

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