


2 years, 8 months ago


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Take Back the Night

A young female who travels the world to study, Zoe seems to have a talent for making friends of monsters. She is childishly curious about everything, but specifically, a certain fallen nation.

She travels faster than what one might expect, often being seen near those things she called "Waypoints".

Before her eagle-sharp gaze, secrets fall away and knowledge burns through the haze of ignorance.

It isn't exactly playing god if she isn't playing at all, now is it?

Name Zoe Natasha

Title Abyss Whisperer

Age 21

Gender Cis Female

Pronouns She/Her

Orientation Omni Polyamorous

Birthday 12 March

Weapon Polearm (Wavebreaker's Fin)

Vision Cryo

Constellation Portae temporis (Gates of Time)

Nation Natlan (Travelling)

Affiliation None

Occupation Alchemist

Special Dish Mixed Braised Meat

Local Specialty Mint

Inspired by Genshin Dating Door

Zoe is a smart person, having a talent for seeing through lies and deceit. She has very good-though not photographic-memory, and takes to learning things very quickly. She has a strong sense of curiosity and will take any opportunity to learn, especially about Khaenri'ah, often disregarding her safety in the process. Speaking of which, Zoe is completely dedicated to learning about Khaenri'ah, and considers her Alchemic career secondary.

While Zoe is good at seeing what others feel, she has a more difficult time grasping her own feelings and dealing with them.

Zoe was just an average rich-ish girl born in Natlan. Ever since she was young, she displayed an uncanny amount of interest in the world and in everything in general. She had trouble fitting in with peers her age, and so her parents eventually decided to send her to Sumeru to study.

Zoe got average-by-Sumeru-standards education in Sumeru, because her parents only had so much wealth. Around 10, she spiralled down the hole of Alchemy, finding it to be her passion, and her parents supported her in any way they could.

At 14, Zoe dug up notes on an ancient Alchemist named Gold, and that was the start of her attraction to Khaenri'ah. She dug through every single book she could find, but she could find no more knowledge apart from Gold being an Alchemist from a land called Khaenri'ah. It was an impulsive decision, but Zoe informed her parents that she was leaving and headed off into the world, knowing her mind would not rest until she understood the ancient nation. This was also when she gained her Cryo Vision.

For the first year, her travels were fruitless. Zoe taught herself to use a polearm to defend herself, and travelled through Inazuma-to no avail. The only accomplishment she got was befriending the Raiden Shogun, who found her to be an amusing sparring partner. Though she was not strong, Zoe's portals allowed her extremely unpredictable movement, and she was even able to win against the Raiden Shogun once or twice. Of course, the Raiden Shogun went easy on her, and Zoe knew it.

Her second year, she went to Liyue, where she happened upon a certain Adeptus by the name of Ganyu. Zoe was quick to see through the Adeptus's excuses, and Ganyu-not used to lying, or conversing in general for that matter-admitted to being an Adeptus. Zoe questioned her for as much information as possible about Khaenri'ah, and Ganyu explained what she knew to the curious girl. How Khaenri'ah was once a flourishing nation, but intruded upon the work of gods and were smote by divine fury. How Gold was the cause of all of it. And how the Abyss creatures were all that remained of Khaenri'ah.

Zoe was quite shocked by this discovery and was resolute to speak to an Abyss creature, despite Ganyu's advice otherwise. Ganyu, seeing her advice useless, managed to convince Keqing to follow the child at a distance to make sure she didn't get hurt.

Zoe found a Pyro Abyss mage and began trying to talk to them, to very little avail as the mage didn't want to listen. Before they got into a fight, though, Zoe's Vision acted on its own, calling up a cloud of mist and showing the landscapes of Khaenri'ah of the past.

Shocked, the Abyss mage concluded that Zoe was someone special. Apologising for their previous rudeness, they began explaining about Khaenri'ah to Zoe. The girl was quite shocked herself, not knowing how her Vision knew what to project. She could normally tear a rift through space, that was normal, but was her Vision tearing through time this time to show the past?

Whatever the case, Zoe now had much more knowledge, one of which being the four-pointed star that identified Khaenri'ah born people. Zoe then moved on to travel to Mondstadt.

Barely a day in and she had met Kaeya, identifying him instantly as being connected to Khaenri'ah. He was understandably caught off guard when she dragged him to an alley to interrogate him, but he did offer up some helpful knowledge.

The last ~6 years, Zoe had bounced between Mondstadt and Liyue, taking a year off to visit Fontaine but learning nothing useful. Kaeya held her back from visiting Snezhnaya, explaining how they didn't know the Tsaritsa's motives yet, and Zoe decided to believe him this time.

Her time in Mondstadt and Liyue was quite rewarding. Going out on dates, studying Alchemy with Albedo, befriending the Abyss Order, et cetera. She is content in her life at the moment, though her curiosity is constantly renewed.

Normal Attack Cooperative Strike

Normal Attack
Performs up to six consecutive spear strikes.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to opponents along the way.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Elemental Skill Frost Gates

Zoe summons a portal before her and another portal a distance away. She then moves through them, appearing out of the other portal and disorienting the opponents. Upon exiting, both portals shatter, inflicting nearby opponents as well as Zoe with Cryo.

Elemental Burst Whispers of the Abyss

As Zoe extends a burst of icy mist in a circular radius, the forms of buildings and people of a kingdom long forgotten appear within the mist like a gate to the past. One can vaguely hear whispers in the Khaenri'ah tongue.
Allies are empowered with raised attack, while enemies are weakened with Cryo inflicted upon them and their defence dropped.

Utility Passive Mutual Respect

When Zoe is in the party, all Abyss monsters will not attack the party unless they are attacked first.

Kaeya Alberich

"Kaeya is the 'last hope' of Khaenri'ah. I will assist him in any way I can, if needed. Though he lies, I see the truth, and I do not mind. Say...is he in love with me?"


"Ganyu was quite helpful to me last time, and we are generally quite friendly towards each other. She cares for me a lot, I can see."


"We have...tried dating. It did not work out due to my travelling lifestyle, but we remain friends nonetheless. I simply cannot commit to a person."


"Albedo is like a mentor to me. Born in Khaenri'ah and an amazing Alchemist, he is all I can ask for in a teacher. I admire him."


"Sucrose is a nice friend to have, with us studying Alchemy together. Although, she is not quite as harmless as many seem to believe."


"Eula saved me from some Fatui agents once. We do not know each other intimately, but I wish to perhaps learn a little about her."

Raiden Shogun

"The Raiden Shogun spars with me often. It ceased during the Vision Hunt Decree, but now we are sparring partners again, and I appreciate it."


"I tried dating Yanfei at the Favonius library once. It turned out to feel more like a platonic outing than a date. Not that we mind."

Curiosity killed the cat

but satisfaction brought it back.