


2 years, 8 months ago


**Name:** Archer

**Age:** 20

**Gender:** male 

**Pronouns:** he/him

**Sexuality:** questioning (bi likely)

**Date of Birth:** 10/21/2003

**Type:** arctic

**Species:** nijinu 

**Residence:** katemoto city 

**Height:** 14 cm

**Appearance:** see photo via TH 

**Personality:** Archer is an introvert, he keeps to his circle of friends. There are times where he fishes with said circle, and he ends up catching the biggest ones. He might honestly have a thing for fishing since he develops baits in his free time for the fish around his ecosystem. Archer is a good craftsman, a loyal friend and a hard worker for his family, no matter the feeling or thought.

**Family:** Polair(sister), Eirwen(father), Gwyn(mother)

**History:** (Written from Archer's persepctive) Born and raised in the arctic isn't easy, there are trials and tribulations every member and the whole family experience. Thankfully my father is intelligent and was able to build and maintain our house we live in. He used to raise sheep for their fur, but one of them rammed into me because I tried to pet him. My dad got rid of them shortly after, and instead bought angora rabbits. polair mostly takes care of them nowadays but I help when I can, grooming them and keeping their fur in bags to be woven into yarn or felted. I've learned to stay humble and embrace the area I live in. 

**Other:** I will be rping as Archer and Polair but not gwyn and eirwen, due to age, gwyn died when archer was 18.