


2 years, 7 months ago



Name Azemar
Age 39
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Resides Sulanor
Species Human/Lycan
Height 200cm
Build Muscular
Hair Brown
Eyes Light Blue
Sexuality Straight
Occupation Squad Captain
Zodiac Scorpio
Responsible Sincere Reserved Analytical Helpful Spontaneous Humorless Predatory Aloof Frightening Brave Compassionate Trustworthy


  • ✦ His Library and Books
  • ✦ Animals
  • ✦ His Wife (Dimentria)
  • ✦ Howling
  • ✦ Kiwi(fruit)


  • ✦ Romantic Novels
  • ✦ Camping
  • ✦ Killing Monsters
  • ✦ Playing Chess
  • ✦ Cooking


  • ✦ Elysant(Witch)
  • ✦ Full Moon(Mandatory Shift)
  • ✦ Cactus
  • ✦ Dull Weapons
  • ✦ Small and Unnatural Rooms



Azemar is a lycan who commands King´s army,he is a Captain of his Squad.As a lycan from early age he mastered his shapeshifting abilities as well temper.Few people only knowing who he truly is.A beast hunting other beasts.

He is always beside his wife Dimentria and Rj (their oni pet) who is acomplished monster hunter.Together they slay monsters and have fun times.

General Trivia

  • When he even shapeshifts when it is full moon,he loves to lock himself in his library.Reading as a werewolf.
  • He doesn´t have a pack nor he feels connected to his family.
  • Azemar is originally a blacksmith,he still loves to carve weapons when he has time.
  • He always wears a bandana in his werewolf form,it was given to him as gift from his wife.
  • He lost a bit of his sight on his left eye and as such it is a bit murkier,an accident from when he was little.


Frightened that youll be overcome by yourself? That a gentle monster inside of you might take over and never let go?.


Current Events

Azemar is currently searching for Elysant,a witch who leads rebellion and who wants vengeance as Azemar killed her husband years ago who betrayed his squad and King´s orders.He also usually helps people and villages alike,slaying monsters as he hates seeing bloodshed and slaughter from creatures who got too comfortable for their own good.He doesn´t understand how they cant control their own nature or their cursed state.He is usually acompanied by his wife Dimentria,a recognized monster slayer who he married.Together they usually also have an oni named Rj who helps them on their journeys.As a lycan from young age he can shapeshift,his wife and few men who he trusts know about his state.Only at full moon he needs to shift,it is mandatory for him and he usually stays secluded that night in his quarters or his private library.As a person he is quite curious and he loves to read about any subject,but what he loves the most is when he reads romance novels.

Early Life

Azemar´s early life was harsh.Born in lycan family the have teached him how to control his instincts and beast within.His father was blacksmith so he learned that craft from when he was little.He crafted weapons and tools for people.People fawning on his demeanour and his craftmanship.Word has spread around rather quickly and higher ranked people started to demand orders from him.Soon enough he was recruited,learned the way of sword and discipline as he fought through ranks.His loyality and patriotism unwavering toward the kingdom,king and its people.He forgot his abusive family who beated him up as a child and made rigorous "pack" tests as he started to despise such principles.Along the new path he learned manners,as well how to read.His prowess in tactics,as well ferociousness in battle is legendary.Altough he is captain of his squad and leads kings finest Azemar is the only one wearing white with gold next to the king.



Dimentria Relationship

Azemar met Dimentria by a chance.She crossed a village he was dispatched too.As he was on mission to slay a monster plaguing the town,he was warmly surprised that the creature was already slaughtered.Proudly throwing its head near his horse.In that moment he was charmed by her happy-go-lucky and unconventional behaviour.Finding her unique and falling in love with her.Nervously one night he confessed that he was as well a beast,but she accepted him who he was.Azemar is loyal husband,he doesn´t know any limits or bounaries for her.Usually only with her he is very comfortable,warm,understanding, goofy and quite open.They are inseperable.


RJ Friendship

Azemar found RJ wounded in a nearby forest,possibly work of witch Elysant who usually needs sacrifices for her rituals.He tended his wounds seeing that monster wasnt bloodthirsty nor interested in eating humans.After recovering,RJ was shy creature but eventually opened himself up to the lycan and his wife.Absolutely adoring Dimentria,he entered in relationship with her, being his mistress.Azemar at first filled with jelousy and possesivness had problem with RJ,but quickly they had ironed it out as his wife sat with him and talked.He now considers him a good friend and due a lover of his wife,very protective of him.Usually refers to him teasingly "Pet" or "Mr.Toothy".