


2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Tan

Gender: Nonbinary, they/them

Sexuality: Bi

Race: Fairy(former Changeling)

Class: Rogue. Phantom

Deity: N/A


Where is your character from?

A small Changeling Community near the mountains in the Dalelands. The inhabitants live cut off from many other communities, with only a select few interacting with outside merchants. While they are welcome to leave, most stay within the safety of the village.

What were they taught growing up?

Independence and fairness,  Like most changelings within their community were raised by the community, while being independant came naturally, Tan learned later in to be a fair person.  They spent a good portion of their childhood within the community branching out with another changeling at the age of 15. After leaving the community, they assumed many identies, one of which is Duke Von Drake the Illustrious.

Who were/are they close to?

Aunn- a changling they traveled with for a while when they left they Community, They currently live under the guise of a human in the town of Winterhaven.

Vistra Brawnanvil- a Druergar(deep dwarf, Deceased) they ran a scam with in their late teens early twenties, she taught them how to put their shape changing abilities to convince gullible travelers to part with their treasures. Along with teaching them Undercommon.

Shava Liadon- A pallid Elf they hung out with and eventally dated for a while before deciding to remain friends. She currently lives in Neverwinter.

Who has hurt them/how?

Mavreius- A tiefling they ran with back in their early twenties, he killed one of their marks and pinned the blame on Tan.

Ruth- A bugbear who Killed Vistra, Tan took revenge by cutting off their right hand, and stealing their Gloves of Dexterity

What was lacking in their life?

Both change and stability, While living in the changeling community everything was pretty much stable but there was little change from day to day life. When they left, it became the opposite, they found change with little stability, towns that mistrusted changelings to the point they either had to leave or assume several different identies to survive.

What was/is fulfilling in their life?

while they dont currently have much stability, leaving their community to explore the world outside has been very fulfilling, sure they get in trouble but They usually get out of it at some point.

If your character worships a deity, who is it and why/how did that come to happen?

Deities are like Idents to Tan, they invoke whatever might come in handy at that moment. They will worship Corellon on moment and Hacate the next.


To explore the world til they find a place to settle down, maybe meet a nice person they can start a Charlatans Guild with.


Help a young man they swindled a few months ago, they were under the mistaken impression that he could afford it but felt bad after finding out his circumstances.

Meet a dragon and live to tell about it

Get their soul transferred into a changeling's body (current)


- Open to new Experiences

- Agreeable

- Compassionate to those less fortunate

- Dishonest


-Independent, likes to do things themselves

-fair, doesn't like to take from those who cant afford it

-observant, keeps a close eye on their surroundings, easier to pick marks

- Flexible, can go with the flow if need be


- Convinced that no one could ever fool them the way they fool others.

-Competitive, they can get very competitive during games

- Can be too Flexible, sometimes forgettiong to put their foot down

- Sometimes forgets others are there when they shift


- Getting stuck in one form(is now stuck as a fairy)

- Not being accepted back in their community if they wished to return

- Not being able to see

- Hurting someone they love/care for


- fooling others

- Games

- Meeting new people

- large cities


- Staying in one place

- Being fooled

- Others finding out their disguises without them telling them

- Falling