Tybalt Decter



6 years, 9 months ago


Name ::  Tybalt Decter

Age :: early twenties, he's not sure

Depending on where he is being rp-ed, he has the ability to control bones, given by his father to make him more fit to withstand some of the experiments conducted on him, this means he can break, shift, put back any bones he has close contact with, even those of animals and those around him too.  

Description:: Very silent and will only speak when spoken to, bad at interactions, gets nervous easily, not very good at showing emotion either. Carries the skeleton of a dog, presumed to had been his, on his lap if not using it as makeshift prosthetics. Will randomly start laughing and then stop, no one knows why. Has moment when he actually stand up for others or himself, only to panic right after realizing what he has done. Greatly admires his older brother Victor for always being there when they need him, and will use every chance he gets to thank him. Will insist on correcting anyone who says bad things about him or his adopted cousin Jura. Loves Jude and Malachi a lot too. 

One of the many Decter siblings, son of Josef, used as test subject for his father's experiments :: Tybalt would be for like body modifications how well can the human body adapt or incorporate new parts and the whole process, what it takes for a body to accept or reject the new part, be it extremities, organs, he would take organs out and see the effect it had on the body as well, not letting it kill him just yet, or making Victor fix it. Blood type is probably just a whole mess of what his father did in his tests to get the best of all blood types to create a perfect one, so he would need a very specific mix of it created in the labs. 

  • When not using the dog skelie prosthetics, he's on a wheelchair
  • Most of the time on the wheelchair
  • Has a locket with Jude and Machi's photos in it
  • Surgical scars everywhere
  • Lost both legs from the knees down
  • Very picky eater, but not by choice