Ghaspius & Fumie



2 years, 7 months ago


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• Name: Ghaspius

• Species: Mismagius

• Pronouns: He/Him

• Age: 28

• Birthday: 11/15

• Position: Travelling Potion Merchant

Ghaspius is a polite, if a bit scatterbrained Mismagius with a love for his craft of brewing berry mixes and potions! Although he generally knows what he's doing, he sometimes falls into a habit of staring out into space when mixing a brew. When that happens, you may not want to drink whatever he's made - who knows what strange effects it would have? He also likes to pop up and surprise people on occasion - he just likes being spooky!

While he grew up with his step-sister Roya, he noticed that she slowly became increasingly narcoleptic until it was at the point where she could no longer control her sleep schedule in any capacity. Seeing this, he gathered up his alchemist books and supplies, and began his experimentation. He was determined that he would find and create the Panacea that could cure her of this illness and anyone else that was suffering!

Some of his less than successful results have thankfully been in good demand as a side business selling potions, and, by some miracle, accidentally created new life in form of his child, Fumie.

• Name: Fumie

• Species: Castform

• Pronouns: They/Them (Agender)

• Age: 2

Fumie was formed by an experiment gone awry. When the fumes of several unstable potions mixed together, they began to coalesce into a Castform with a bit of a likeness to their Mismagius 'father'. At first, Ghaspius wasn't sure what to make of this development, and certainly wasn't prepared to raise a child.

However, now Ghaspius couldn't be more grateful. Fumie acts as a moral anchor and a reminder of how precious life is while also being a bit of a fellow prankster as well! Fumie is extraordinarily smart for their age; they're able to very quickly pick up on the alchemy concepts to help their father and understands full even more complex sentences very easily! Even so, they still haven't learned to talk themselves, but Ghaspius trying to his best to teach!

Fumie is sweet, if a bit playful,and always happy to help... or get into mischief!