


2 years, 7 months ago


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Main character of Silence in Slumber. Ends up in the world of Pokémon still as a human and is mistaken as a mystical figure due to her spacey clothes, odd stories, and ability to grant Pokémon names.

• Name: Robin Hinata

• Species: Human

• Pronouns: She/Her

• Age: 24

Robin, a human girl with a self-image issue found herself in a most troubling predicament: trapped in another world filled with sapient, superpowered creatures that, should they dislike her, could obliterate her where she stood. However, they instead have mistaken her to be some sort of great sorceress spoken in folklore! The more she tried to crawl away, the more exaggerated the expectations of her became, and she soon found herself forced to contend with a threat that not even the creatures’ strongest could neutralize. All she did was sew some clothes and give out nicknames – why did look upon her as if though she were some sort of legend? Even so, she would soon find that all that she and this world truly needed was a little kindness and someone to listen beyond the façade.

Anything she does alone is as mundane as a regular person, and she is really fragile. However, if a Pokémon is watching and thhey believe something should happen a specific way, then that gets 'willed' into existence in some odd way - typically in the form of something mundane or silly that turns out to be the key.

In one case, a clan of raving mad Mankey were seen busting down homes left and right. She was asked to confront them. She absolutely feared for her life, but she had to keep appearances.Trying to appease the pokemon behind her watching, she pretended to do a "magic" motion with her needle and some thread accompanied by an over-the-top speech against the clearly confused and still mad Mankey.

In their confusion, one of the Mankey hits their head on a nearby tree, knocking them out and rustling the Spinarak's nest that just happens to be above them as they descend and begin clawing and webbing them. Once the Spinarak were satisfied, one of the children watching says "use your powers to ensnare them!" Robin, in her stress-induced anxiousness and adernaline, makes up an incantation on the spot while frantically tying the webs in a regular knot.

When the Mankey try to free themselves, somehow, the webs don't ever seem to bend or break - as if made of steel. The Pokémon behind her cheered, chanting about how her "grand calculated plan" and "magical powers" had saved the day.

These situations would only continue to escalate in both danger and sheer madness in her ability to just barely squeak out of them with the Pokémon that watch on believing it all to be masterful work by a Great Sage. She even begun wearing a mask just to hide her intense fear and anxiousness from the Pokémon who could not understand that she wasn't anything like they thought she was.