


2 years, 7 months ago


Name: Crabclaw

Rank: Warrior

Gender: Cis tom, He/Him

Orientation: Pansexual

Loudmouthed, but also generally loud, Crabclaw is known to make an impression. Usually a bad one. He's loud when he's talking normally with others, and if he has a real reason to raise his voice, he can bellow like a banshee. He constantly bemoans the pettiness and irrationality of others' actions, even though he himself is equally petty and irrational, and his many long-winded and creatively crass rants on things that vex him can quickly turn into outright screeching with little provocation. He has a hostile and flippant demeanor when interacting with others, and is generally very hotheaded. Despite this, he cares very deeply for his loved ones; he wants to help them as often as he can however he can, even if he'll loudly deny and complain about it while doing so. He keeps his kindness hidden, and is usually rather thrown off by others being openly kind to him. He might seem unflappably stubborn and grouchy, but he struggles with heavy, deeply-buried insecurities, often blaming himself for any little thing going wrong.