The Nightmare (Relationships + Home)




Note: All relationships placed here are for the cannon Toskal world. Any relationships outside of the cannon/in AU's will never be placed here.




[ Mate ]
You see this little shit? It's in your best interest not to touch him, or else death will be a blessing compared to what he'll do to you if you touch him. He ended up bonding with the other completly by pure chance. The damn guy passed out upon first coming face to face. Nightmare found it rather amusing more than anything else and rather than kill him, he left something for him to help with his survival. He did have such a lovely dark coat after all. From there things just... Formed. The quiet thing leaving him things in return, and his little pet croc following him home, more then happy to feast upon the flesh of his victims. Eventually, he just let Driskol come home with him and bonding happened from there. He can't exactly say that he regrets it... even monsters need love once in awhile. 


[ Mother in law ]
Funny enough Driskols mother turned out to be that of a witch. A bit of a surprise, and Nightmare found himself wary of her. But he's warmed up bit by bit over time. 


[ Sister in law ]
Dri's eldest sister. (You know no one ever said that when I took Dri I'd have to take on and be amicable to ALL of you. What?)


[ Daughter ]
She was a perfectly respectable Black Widow. Killing as she pleased and Nightmare couldn't have been prouder! .... And then she bonded with some idiot and Nightmare does not approve in the far too kind, and far too soft creature that is not Eve's bondmate. 


[ Eve's Mate ]
.... NO! Filthy little moon worshiper D< 


[ Son ]
His baby boy. Them horns tho. 


[ Some black market fucker ]
Dexter runs the black market. And much of the family works/helps out there. He get's along well enough with him, and Nightmare gets good pick out of things that come in and out. Most certainly any crocks and things that might have a melanistic pelt like his own. It's not uncommon for him to do favours for these things such as getting back a particularly valuable item by hunting down and just 'happening' to kill the toskal that got it. Doesn't think he's too bad of a guy all things considered. 


[ relationship ]
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