Jungle Juice



2 years, 6 months ago



JungleJuice. Male. Feline

Name JJ
Age 18
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Species Feline Hybrid
Personality ENFP-A
Voiceclaim Jamie Fraiser
Theme Song IQIBH


JJ is a go with the flow kind of guy who loves to chill with his friends. He’s best described as easy going and extroverted but loves his close circle of friends more than anything. He’s a big nature nerd and loves bugs (bees and mantises are his favorite). He enjoys hiking on the weekends and isn’t afraid to pick up any cute reptiles or insects he finds (he has a tendency to get bit but it doesn’t stop him). Not only does he like to hike but he loves to sketch, do puzzles, pin insects, and swim. His tiger genes have given him a love for the water even though his Maine coon fur drags him down. His caracal genes have made him a decent jumper but he’s never taken an interest in sports that involve it, or really sports at all. He has quite a few friends but he is closest to Rich and Floyd and considers them both his brothers. They love to go to the beach together and he even hikes with them when they’re up for it.j


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