


2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Hawthornberry

Rank: Perma-Monarch, Elder

Gender: Cis molly, She/Her

Orientation: Demisexual, Biromantic

Pleasant, if a little quiet, Hawthornberry is a deeply caring and compassionate cat. She mourns every death in her Clan even if she was not personally close to the deceased, and takes special care to learn the stories and histories of her Clanmates, past and present alike, so that she can help immortalize them in painted murals on the cave walls. She would greatly prefer not to shed blood in CanyonClan's name, and dislikes the thought of any of her Clanmates drawing their claws unnecessarily. If fighting won't solve an issue, or will do more harm than good, she wants no part in it – bloodshed should never occur unless it's indisputably for the greater good, in her opinion. She's a very practical cat, and primarily concerns herself with the wellbeing of her Clan and loved ones, rather than with matters of morality, ambition, or revenge. She believes taking care of oneself physically is the first step to taking care of oneself mentally and emotionally, and her fretting paired with her usual composure and wisdom, make her something of a den mother to the entire Clan, not just the kits. She rarely, if ever, raises her voice, as she believes that if you have to yell or threaten to get someone to listen to you, you are not worthy of that respect or obedience in the first place. Though caring, she's not always the most sensitive, her practical approach to life leading her to rarely mince words and sometimes rely too heavily on logic to seem appropriately sympathetic. She can also be just a bit of a gossip, at times, though she usually keeps her judgments on her Clanmates to herself, and will keep things said in confidence secret if asked.

She has lost nearly everyone in her life, now: her parents, her sister, her mate, and two of her own children. Her two daughters, Ospreysong and Mountainheart, remain, and she has helped to raise more than half of all living CanyonClan cats, but grief still weighs heavily on her, even if she does not let it interfere with her work as a monarch.