


2 years, 7 months ago


 To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved. 
Between 100-200
December 31st
October 2021
  • Painting
  • Snow
  • Teaching/Learning
  • Listening to the wind
  • Adults getting too close
  • The beach
  • Ink smudges
  • Bed hair and tail

Katsuo is a tough man to get through in several ways, he isn't one to trust someone easily and it takes a long time before you get past his cold stares and sassy comebacks. He tries to keep it in check and not to throw a punch into the nearest stranger that gets too close, he will try to remember his years of training and put a smile on his face before starting over. But once you get past that cold facade you will notice that he is a passionate man with a big heart for those in need. His own childhood and growing up is something he remembers clearly, he remembered how lonely and sad he had felt. He hated it and so he would try everything he could to help another out and try to steer them on the right path instead of letting them slowly trail the wrong way like what happened with him. Katsuo used to mingle with the wrong side of the paranormal. Young and vulnerable with no clue who he was or how he got here, it wasn’t long before they saw him as a prey. They used the poor kid as a scapegoat for everything, from simple human trickery to defeating lower yokai’s for fun. It was because of them that Katsuo saw everything in black and became a ruthless warrior. He isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty and at this point he didn’t know anything else. That is until they messed with the wrong pastor, he was much stronger than anything they have ever seen. The pastor was a halfbreed bestowed with a key that all wanted. Katsuo was feral and instead of freeing him like the others he simply petted his head and told he did good. Confused and afraid, Katsuo fled but their paths seemed to cross everywhere he went. Katsuo was warry but when the pastor didn’t show ill intent Katsuo relaxed more around him. Much like a stray cat, the pastor tried different tactics to get the yokai close to him. It was a long process with much patience but eventually he tamed the feral yokai. Katsuo grew fond of the old man and his followers got used to seeing the soft tailed yokai around him. They bonded like father and son, and Katsuo was shown that the world isn't only black, it was colorful. Katsuo’s true nature came out and with an interest in learning and teaching the younger yokai’s the pastor passed his key on. Katsuo refused with a snarl, but the pastor’s time wasn’t long anymore, he would give the key of depth to his trusted follower. The key of depth was used to see and unlock doors to guide others to their destiny. Now it’s Katsuo’s turn to guide others and protect the key. Katsuo will feel the energy of oters ready to pick a life changing desicion and it's to him to help these people find their right path (or well door) to life.

His determination and passion is something to be admired, once he sets his mind onto something it is hard to make him change it. He will do anything it takes to achieve his goal and he won't let anyone get in his way, like his own studies he kept on pushing and pushing. He had sleepless nights where he had to learn or complete an ecorsime with the pastor. Even if there would be others that were asking how "Someone like him." could stand by the pastor's side, he wouldn’t let them stop him. Something that has always stuck to him was his Witt and sass, he is quick mounted and oftenly Sasses someone without meaning it. His mouth to brain filter is a little slow but that is something you can thank his ill tempered background for. That is with adults like himself, if it would be a youngling or an animal/createur he has the patience of an angel. Katsuo will wait weeks for a youngling to open up to him and wouldn't even take a day for any other adult. His soft heart would let other younglings cuss at him or fight him until they tired themselves out, and then after dusting his clothes off he would gently engage them into a conversation. The single Katsuo is not that experienced in the whole romantic and dating stuff. He had never had a real relationship, it has always been those sweet puppy love kind of things that would be over in a few months. His inability to trust strangers easily is a big factor in it too, he's afraid to get close to others and end up heartbroken. Thus his flirting is something to be desired, all he can manage is a horrible pickup line before turning red and stuttering away. If it's the other way around he will only let himself get flustered when the source of said flirting is gone, he wouldn't want to show the other how much of an effect they could have on him. Katsuo sees it as a form of weakness and once you show weakness, it would be an almost 100% guarantee that they will resume flirting instead of leaving him alone. Overall Katsuo is a strong man with a soft heart, he loves his job and when he teaches his whole being opens up and relaxes as he interacts with younglings. He may seem cold but the ones that know him, could tell you 100 embarrassing stories about a reckless man that has gotten himself in so much trouble. Katsuo is Loyal for life and once you befriend him it's hard to get rid of the Key holder.

  • Katsuo's favorite vacation is visiting Russia, lot's of snow.
  • The red eyes surrounding him help to sense and see when his presence is needed.
  • Yes he has paw pads under his paw like feet.
  • Katsuo hoards fluffy and warm things like a dragon hoards gold.
  • Human kids and yokai kids know he's all bark and no bite with them, hence why the all dogpile onto him frequently.
  • The pastor left his shrine to Katsuo asfter his passing, now Katsuo houses everyone there who needs it.

Teacher (Father figure)



The pastor who basicalliy rasied the feral Katsuo into the man he is now. Katsuo is thankfull for everything he has done and after his passing he still asks himself if he made the right choice. The pastorwas a kind man with a heart of gold, he saw good in everyone and showed his followers that trust is everyting in this world. With trust we can make the world barable to love and live in. Katsuo will keep the pastor's dream going till the end of his days.

Dear Friend


Obel & Lementh

Quite the figures those two are. Katsuo once stumbled onto the odd pair and intrigued by their odd way of interacting had Katsuo drawn in. At first he had only observed from a distance away, but he was easily charmed closer. It took a while for Katsuo to grasp the idea of sharing one soul, but he was eager to learn more. In return each time they met up Katsuo would be sure to take some forgein sweets for their information. Katsuo was simply charmed by their interactions and bravery, the normaly lonley kitsune even taged along on some of their advetures but never too far away from his shrine.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.