Amarie WIP (Amarie Old Design)



2 years, 7 months ago


Amarie was my first Inkdrian. I thought I would honor her by archiving her past characterization.

(If I upload a drawing you did of my character here and you do not want me to please tell me and I will remove it)

Old Profile


Name: Amarie
Age: 19
Flower: Bleeding Heart
Sexuality: Who knows???
Rarity: Uncommon??
History: When Amarie was young she was kidnapped. The group that kidnapped were planning on trainer her and other kidnapped children into merciless assassins. They used magic to curse Amarie. This curse made it so that when ever her limbs were cut off they could be quickly attached with little consequences to her health. They tested this out by cutting off her left arm. It was successful as her arm was able to be reattached with the nerves still in tact and everything. After a years Amarie managed to escape the place she was kidnapped. Despite growing up witnessing awful things happening to people she never became violent and has never tried to hurt anyone. Well she does cut off her limbs but it's all for fun.

-She likes detaching her limbs like it's a party trick, she still hasn't realized this is horrifying to watch
-She is desensitized to violence and gore
-She doesn't understand the concept of death
-She is lazy
-She can no longer feel sadness or anger. In fact the only emotion she seems to feel is some sort of lazy joy
-She loves partying and dancing
-Although she usually wears just bandages, she does enjoy wearing dresses
-She was inspired by my weird obsession which is pastel gore