


2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Tetra

Rank: Warrior

Gender: Trans molly, She/Her

Orientation: Pansexual

"What's life without a little adventure? They'll get over the property damage, I'm sure!"

Tetra is friendly and social, plenty willing to chatter the ear off anyone with little input from the other party. She will often take it upon herself to welcome newcomers into the Clan, taking it upon herself to educate them on the Clan's history and culture, though all of her explanations are delivered either too quickly to follow or with heavy embellishments made to them (or both). Not knowing much or anything on a subject will never stop her from speaking extensively on it. She will often speculate based on minimal information, leading to elaborate imagined scenarios – not great for conveying facts to others, but pretty damn good for storytelling. She is friendly with near-everyone, but is especially affectionate with her loved ones, happy to cuddle up to them, compliment them, and joke around with them at any time. She isn't shy about flirting if she finds someone attractive (even if she's bad at it), and believes wholeheartedly in concepts like love at first sight and true love. She can be incredibly petty and spiteful towards those that earn her ire; she'd sneak a thorn into the nest of someone she doesn't like, just because. She also clings to her loved ones quite tightly, their problems become her problems, their grudges become her grudges. She usually passes off questions about her own emotional state with variations on "I'm fine" at all times, and keeps any negative emotions she has very close to the vest.