



Information about Pan:

Name: Pan
Species: Taum {closed species by Happy-sorry on dA }
Gender: male ♂

Personality: Pan is a very quiet, back holding Taum. Even though he looks a little bit threatening with all his skulls and bones, he's a very warm-hearted, soft and peaceful creature.
Pan doesn't really talk much; he's more into observing, watching things.
When it comes to friends or someone he loves, he's very protective and courageous and he’d sacrifice his own life without a second thought, in order to save them.
One of Pan's weak points is his ability to understand or show emotions, that's why it's really hard to guess what Pan is thinking or feeling, he's always acting very neutral.
He is a very rational, practical thinker; empathy has never been easy for him. Of course he also has emotions like anxiety, anger or even sadness but he never shows them very obviously.

Likes: Pan loves nature and would do anything to protect every plant or creature that lives on the planet.
He loves to travel and explore new kinds of countries and cultures. He loves landscapes, especially the sea, huge lakes and waterfalls in mountain regions.
Pan loves green, fruitful places with all kinds of colorful flowers growing and animals living. You can feel his health mending and his mood rising, when he breathes in clean air, while watching the unaffected beauty of nature reserves.
He loves fruits more than anything. Kiwi fruits, Strawberries, Raspberries, Mangoes, Banana's, Blueberries, Watermelons - the list will probably never end. Give Pan a fruit and he'll love you forever.
He's absolutely fascinated by Rain, he loves the smell of warm summer rains and the light reflection that causes Rainbows, when the sun is shining and it's raining at the same time. Pan prefers warm climatic, he doesn't really like cold places.

Dislikes: All that Pan wishes for is peace and freedom and he wouldn’t hold back to fight for that. He hates evil, mean creatures - especially those who harm the living or environment of the universe / planet.
He doesn't really like cold places - even if he loves watching snow or frozen landscapes. He doesn't like weapons or anything that causes destruction.

Story: Pan never knew the reason of his existence. He grew up all on his own deep in forests without meeting any another creature like him. For long times he tried to figure out where he belongs to and what his meaning on earth is - but someday he found an old wise Taum, living on her own in a cave - mixing up strange plants and all kinds of herbs, bones of little animals. She seemed crazy at first, flailing with her strange stick and being painted all over with markings and clothed with feathers, but she teached and trained Pan lot’s of incredible things, she affiliated him, protected him and she loved him like an own son.
They lived together for a long time, but one day an evil creature attacked their territory and she gave her life in order to save Pan. This day, Pan swore to ever hold her name in pride and hornor her traditions.
Pan owns the ability to influence nature. He is able to let plants grow, heal wounds, diseases and any harm on creatures and environments, he’s able to control the main elements; Water, Wind and Stone. Ever since the day the old Taum died, Pan has always been surrounded and accompanied by small creatures. He now everyday walks miles and miles, traveling and searching for destroyed places and sick creatures, to heal and fix them.