


2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Sunstorm

Rank: Senior warrior

Gender: Nonbinary, They/Them

Orientation: Gray-Asexual

Sunstorm is intimidating to many, a quiet and intense presence paired with their massive bulk. They don't much care for the antics of noisy, problem-starting young warriors, and will always have a harsh glare and choice words to anyone who foolishly endangers themselves, their Clanmates, or the precious resources they rely on. However, they are not half as obedient to the rules as one would expect; they believe in furthering the prosperity, power, and wealth of knowledge for their Clan, and they are willing to break rules and disobey orders to do so. If others do not show the same resolve, they have no qualms about either using those cats as stepping stones towards their own success, or leaving them in the dust. They wish to achieve incredible things, and privately consider those that don't exhibit the same ambition to be beneath them. They demand respect, for themself and for their Clan, and truly only want the best for their Clan, even if what they consider "best" is only what their own arbitrary perspective can perceive. They dislike acknowledging their faults or dealing with emotions, instead taking comfort in the cerebral, using success and the acquisition of knowledge as substitutes for interpersonal connections or emotional competence. Being a teacher is one of the few things that brings them genuine joy, and they find guiding apprentices towards their paths in life and teaching them how to conduct themselves properly to be something to be proud of. They, too, still feel a shadow of something many apprentices can relate to, after all: the burning desire to prove themself.