


2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Hopfeather

Rank: Warrior

Gender: Cis molly, She/Her

Orientation: Bisexual

Quiet and shy, Hopfeather tends to blend into the background, and she prefers it that way. She isn't skittish, however – once she's set her mind to something, she rarely loses her nerve, even if it's outside of her comfort zone. She is cautious and a planner, one to consider risk vs. reward before committing to a task. Her propensity for running calculations and speculating can lead to her worrying more than she needs to, and causes her to listen to her head more than her heart. Listening to her gut is tough for her, and she usually won’t act on anything without proof or a logical reason to do so. It makes her a good strategist, but can put her out of touch with hers and others’ feelings. She understands intimately that loss and failure are inevitable in life, and she bounces back relatively quickly, trying to accept losses so she can move on and learn from her mistakes. Trial and error is expected and accepted in her world, and can even be comforting to her methodical mind. Things going right all the time tends to just make her anxious, waiting for the other shoe to drop. She always minds her manners and strives to be respectful, even when others get on her nerves.