


2 years, 7 months ago


Name: Crashpaw

Rank: Apprentice

Gender: Cis molly, She/Her

Orientation: Unknown

Daughter of Fossilfoot, littermate of Pinkcloud. Just as energetic and friendly as her sibling, Crashpaw's interests always lied more with hunting and fighting than artistic pursuits. Though she didn't always think before acting, she was ultimately a big picture sort of cat, as much as she could be with limited life experience of her own. She was interested in the Clan's history, but found being bogged down by the details of a war that was already over to be not worth her time. Her time was better spent seizing her youth! Clanmates might remember her as troublemaking or rebellious for how she stuck her nose in things and begged cats who weren't her mentor to teach her, but it all came from a genuine zest for life and desire to learn and grow into the best warrior she could be. 

However, her dreams never reached fruition. Midway through her apprenticeship, Crashpaw vanished during a hunting trip outside of camp, presumably killed by an eagle.