Halcyon Vale



2 years, 6 months ago


Halcyon Vale

Clouded Leopard Tabaxi

She / Her 

Level 13 Inquisitive Rogue 

Vale is a smart and innately curious Tabaxi. She leans heavily into her “exotic foreigner” reputation to coax people to relax around her, and to make them more generous with their information. Comfortable with being perceived as less intelligent than she is, she likes people to believe they have the upper hand on her. 

She’s quite friendly to most but has a bad habit of pushing objects off of tables when bored. Luckily she’s quite sneaky about it so she rarely gets caught. 

Vale views Eira as her best friend, and happily chatters with her about any matter - trying to respect her privacy… most of the time. 

Azar is fun for all the things he knows - if she’s curious about something to do with magic, she can ask him. It helps that he saved their group a few times, too.