Melonie Washiire



2 years, 8 months ago


Melonie "Melody" Washire 


  •  Name   Melonie Washire  

  •  Age   314 years old  

  •  Height   5"7

  •  Occupation   Trivia Show Host(previously), Streamer

  •  Sexuality                                                                                                  Bisexual 

  •  Personality 

    Integer lacinia odio at erat fringilla ornare. Vestibulum odio dui, lobortis ut iaculis vitae, viverra sit amet purus. Mauris non lectus quis ex ornare ornare. Curabitur sagittis erat sit amet metus dapibus, sed vehicula nunc consectetur. In blandit fringilla mauris ut ultrices. Aenean in egestas ligula. Mauris nisl leo, vulputate at vehicula a, auctor eu sem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.Nunc in nulla bibendum, consequat odio vitae, condimentum massa. In ac purus et est scelerisque lobortis. Nulla at quam ac urna rutrum cursus eu non eros. In sed risus at justo iaculis feugiat vitae quis turpis. Quisque quis metus eu magna volutpat iaculis. Pellentesque ante ipsum, molestie sollicitudin tempus quis, facilisis nec diam. Curabitur molestie nibh lobortis purus egestas molestie. Proin sodales felis vitae sodales faucibus. Duis diam leo, blandit ultricies urna eu, condimentum iaculis odio. In viverra tincidunt sem a scelerisque. Maecenas in rutrum neque, vitae laoreet orci. Fusce nec ex ac mauris aliquet luctus at quis enim.
  •  Appearance 

    Vestibulum cursus nisi at nunc lobortis vestibulum. Aliquam at ultricies turpis. Phasellus orci nulla, lacinia pharetra vehicula quis, egestas eget elit. Duis a suscipit ligula, quis rhoncus turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc luctus finibus scelerisque. Duis lacus lectus, tincidunt et est ut, mattis accumsan dui. Fusce aliquet tortor et interdum interdum. Cras et iaculis magna. Integer placerat ut mauris ac ultricies. Vivamus hendrerit consectetur nulla, ac vestibulum metus tristique sit amet. Morbi vitae placerat diam. Vestibulum maximus ante vitae ex facilisis semper. Duis et augue feugiat, placerat ligula non, gravida leo.
  •  Likes   Musk Melon Juice,  Trivia Games    

  •  Dislikes                                                                                                  Thinking about how her life is a joke for too long 
  •  Backstory 
    Melonie is a minor demon from Hell and was an Entertainer, specifically, she was a Trivia Game Show Host and was a rather successful one at that; her show having one of the highest ratings even as interest in Game Shows in her sect of hell had changed over the ages. Managing to keep her show lively and plenty of viewers watching, she had a comfortable position in Hell. That is- Until she had a realization before a show, which lead to her not even remembering her entire life up until these few moments of realization and had an absolute mental break down. This is because her realization was that she was not real and the entire world she existed in was made up. 
She is privy to the fact she is fictional in the worst way, and knows her life was created as a joke and gave up her success of a Show host as a result of thinking continuing forward was meaningless.


  •  Rasperia Goethe (Friend) 
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Aliquam sit amet tortor a nulla luctus lobortis. Praesent mollis in velit ut lacinia. In consequat leo elementum tortor gravida cursus. Aliquam semper facilisis volutpat. Praesent maximus metus ut lorem fermentum pharetra. Donec varius semper sapien, vel ornare dolor lobortis non.
  •  What is Melody?
     Melody and her friends are, to be blunt, just low ranked demons that tend to have naturally bestial forms and unstable humanoid ones. Fruit Demons are not actual personifications of fruits, they are simply assigned Fruits that are meant to match their Essences or their true selves inside the hell realm they come from to show that they are not as powerful as others. Melody is Watermelon, meaning deep down she is a very laidback but passionate person but she hides it under a hard shell of recklessness that's easily cracked open once given the time to do it. Melody in reality is Dragonlike or like a Dinosaur in her true form, she can breathe and swim in lava and can breathe fire like stereotypical Fairytale Dragons. Melonie having Watermelon assigned to her means she is meant to be stronger in general strength and she is slightly higher on the ladder than Citrus Fruit ranks socially in the hell hierarchy. Watermelon demons are typically entertainers, royal jester types  and socialites in middle class society and demonic communities. 
  •  What's with the design?
     Her dress is a combination of Renaissance Era puffed sleeved dresses with whats tightening of the dress being more to the chest than the waist and with the bow and modern features meant to make her look like a Goofy Game Show Host of some kind.  The idea is that she looks like somebody who could loudly shout questions during a trivia show while being the sexy side lady character at the same time. Her design was originally for a Joke Challenge where you were supposed to create or design a character based on the themes in two Cursed Videos you were given. For her, it was a meme Barnie Video and an Anime Girl Nyan Nyan cat Girl video. Her initial concept was that she was a Vtuber (much like Korone, Calliope Mori or Gawr Gura) based around Barnie the Friendly Dinosaur kids show. Basically she was meant to be easy to create a Virtual model of to Stream Games with and to be intentionally generic in some aspects to simulate popular tropes and designs. Her overall theme of being a fruit based dragon could be a visual pun on "Dragonfruit". Her horns are meant to be similiar to the Disney Villian, Maleficient's Horns. Accordingly, her Draconic Form is supposed to look close but not quite like the Sleeping Beauty Dragon.  
  •  Name origins 
    Melonies last name "Washire" comes from a misremembering of the Midlands county in England, actually called Worcestershire. And a pun on the Water part of Watermelon. Whereas "Melonie" is obviously both a pun on Melon and simply the commonly given Greek Name Melonie. 
  •  Trivia 
    • ● In both her normal demon and troll forms, she is self aware she is fictional and actively uses this factor to act ridiculous and be reckless about things. 
    • ● She has a Trollsona or HomestuckHiveswap version, as shes a fan of the webcomic Homestuck. Her godtier is Maid of Rage, and shes a Dersite dreamer. She self admittedly would enjoy serving under Lord English if given the chance. 
    • ● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
    • ● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
    • ● Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.
    • ● Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed.

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