Xuànfēng (Xuan)



2 years, 7 months ago


Xuànfēng (Xuan, Storm Watcher) ★★★★★
"Storms hide secrets for only the worthy to find"
Song Title
Male (He/Him)
5ft 7in (10ft 2in)
Bow (Sub-DPS)
Adventurer's Guild

The perfected lord who changes the sky by watching the storm

There is not much known about this adepti, Xaun does not speak on his past and appears to hide from it. Long ago, he faught in the Archon War to help protect the others, trying to defend his home. However, during the war his wings were torn off by an opposing god. His life was sparred, as his sister took the killing blow to protect him, taking that god down with her. As the war ended, he went into hidding with the other adepti to watch everything from afar. As a result, he has become quiet and uneasy of non adepti, very warry of their intentions. Only recently has he slowly come out of hiding, curious as to what has happened in his years of hiding and mourning, both in fear and wonder of what he will find.

Introvert Extrovert
Irrational Logical
Passive Assertive
Serious Playful
Spiteful Kind
Pessimistic Optimistic

Quiet, Xaun does not speak much. He is very warry of others and prefers to know ones intentions as soon as possible rather then finding out later. Besides having serious trust issues, under Xaun's shell he is a caring adepti. Very curious of whats changed in the world around him and how everyone is doing. He will stop to take in the scenery and stare into space, recollecting memories of his past.

  • Rain, Snow & Harsh Weather
  • Hidden Places
  • Other Adepti
  • Content
  • Content
  • Unknown & Untrustworthy people
  • Content
  • Content
  • His name is pronpunced "Shunfen"
  • Misses the sky. Often stares into space and daydreams about what it was like to fly, can sometimes become jeaoulus of those with the ability to fly due to his past.
  • Xaun will avoid any discussion about his past, appearing to get somewhat aggressive at the continous mention of it. What is he hiding? What is he trying to forget? What haunts him?
  • Xaun is ashamed of his appearence and tries to cover up as much as possible. He has many scares on various places of his body from the war, and will flinch if someone dares tries touching one. While he does have his horns/tail/legs visible on this form, he mostly refuses to go in his Adepti form for unstated reasons.
Florian Günther

Vestibulum pellentesque suscipit est, ac mollis turpis posuere eget. Aliquam pretium tincidunt ipsum, ut mattis sapien venenatis sit amet. Nunc elementum erat ex, in venenatis.


Vestibulum pellentesque suscipit est, ac mollis turpis posuere eget. Aliquam pretium tincidunt ipsum, ut mattis sapien venenatis sit amet. Nunc elementum erat ex, in venenatis.