


9 years, 1 month ago


//still gotta draw on all of his tattoos, but I'm waiting on a commission for them~ So for now, have Plain!Jonah

Full name
: Asher Jonah Matlock
Alias: Just Jonah. Literally never tells anyone his last name / The Presh Prince of Time Square
Age: 22
Sex + gender: Male/Male

Notable features: Facial scars, piercings, tattoos
Height: 6'00"
Bodytype: Scrawny

Orientation: Omnisexual, Demi-romantic
Occupation: Drug dealer, information broker

Ever hear a song so loud and so FULL of guitar that for a while it just sounds like noise? Ever wake up with a monstrous hang over and open curtains, sunlight steaming in through the window right into your photosensitive eyes, glaring against your brain? That's Jonah. He's loud, obnoxious, foolhardy and stubborn and there's not a hair on his body that wants to listen to you tell him he's doing anything wrong. He's headstrong, serious about the rebellion and almost religiously obsessed with breaking out of the walls. He's a huge riot advocate and starts and attends as many as he can. He lives in a tiny little apartment in a bad part of town, trafficking drugs, propaganda, and information under the table. Half of what he says is bullshit and the other half is nonsense so taking anything from him at face value is like accepting that the sun doesn't shine. 

However, once you get to know him, Jonah's actually a pretty laid back dude. He doesn't worry about anything, isn't afraid of anything, and is mostly content to just sit around getting high and drinking. He likes to party, but he's also down to chill. His child-like fascination with the outside world can cause some interesting late-night conversation. He's loyal to a fault to his friends and cares so little for his life, laying it down for someone else is his dream. At the end of the day, all Jonah wants is some good coke, somewhere to sleep, and someone to sleep beside. As long as he's got that it doesn't matter that he's stuck inside a dystopian, concrete bowl.

Most of the time, Jonah is very deadpan and expressionless. He uses his eyes to convey most of his emotions, since the scars over his mouth make things like smiling difficult. He speaks with a constant murmur and doesn't annunciate his words. However: Riot!Jonah is loud, enthusiastic, excited and in love with life. Party!Jonah is just a stone's throw away from Riot!Jonah, so don't invite him to your mom's house or let him near any heirlooms.
+ Daylight riots/megaphones/a good fight
+ Old school arcades
+ Candy/soda/desert/drugs
+ The idea of the beach
+ Bright colors/accessories
+ Body modification/Pain
+ Fire/fireworks/pyrotechnics
+ Graffiti/tattoo art/punk rock and ska
+ Kids/baby-sitting
+ Arts and crafts/Sewing/BEDAZZLING

- The obvious (cops/rules/authority)
- People that try to screw him over (bad information/bad drugs)
- Being undermined or called a kid
- Slow songs
- Being made to 'dress-up'
- Wearing clothes in the first place
- Religion/the concept of 'faith'
- Doctors/dentists/paramedics
Good traits:
+ Funny
+ Skilled in hand-to-hand combat
+ Street-wise/Clever
+ Good with first aid
+ Surprisingly good leadership qualities
+ Loyal

Bad traits:
- Rash/stupid
- Really bad at organizing his thoughts
- Can't be serious
- Makes light of everything
- Low fear response (always fight, never flight)

:: Birthday - April 22nd
:: Has a sister he hasn't seen in a while
:: Parents were off'd while trying to breech the wall
:: Theme 
:: Voice (WARNING: Lower your volume before clicking)
:: Sells heroine, cocaine and marijuana (Wednesday is brownie night!)