Liko Yee



2 years, 7 months ago


 Basic Information

Name: Liko Yee
Gender/Pronouns: [that scary pepe] (he/they)
Age: 23
Orientation: Lesbian
Height: 5'6" (168cm) honey i shrank the liko
Ethnicity: If You Guessed "Mixed" You're Fucking Right (Hawaiian/Chinese)
D.O.B: August 30th (Virgo)


Overview: Liko is such a thirl, and he's so cute about it.
Positive Traits: Steady, self-assured, methodical, agreeable
Negative Traits: Blunt, shameless, judgemental, stagnant

 Misc. Information

Likes: Arachnids, order, circles like the shape, fancy pens, crosswords
Dislikes: Tardiness, incorrectly filed documents, chaos, slacking off
Playlist: [ not for want of a teller ]

 DRRP Information

Talent: Ultimate Bookkeeper
Game/Fate: Old Pine Valley // Chapter 5 Victim
Public Bio: Liko Yee is someone who's good at numbers and knows it. He typically works as bookkeeper for his family's flower shop, though they have a reputation among their local community as someone able to put his skills to good use to any business who pays him decently. In fact, as long as you have coin, he's willing to listen.