Echo Banner



8 years, 10 months ago


Name: Echo Banner ("The Banshee")

: 19

Sex: Male

Height|Weight: 5'9" | 151 lbs

Rank: Junior

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat | melee combat | acrobatics/parkour | penchant for violence | defective moral compass

Color-Syndrome: Orange - #FF7F00 :: Hands | Eyes (from rubbing them) | Elsewhere 



Weapons: Tactical Survival Axe Handle (carbon steel)


- Wind, cold weather, snow
- Staining things with his mutation
- Video games
- Shoes, clothes 
- Physical activity
- Warm blood on his hands (creepy, dude)


- TV 
- How bright his mutation is
- Police (they scare him)
- Tight clothes
- Popcorn


- To be Azura's right hand man
- To personally kill a member of the Gray Order
- To own his own gang


Echo is, above all, surprisingly charismatic. He's got a great smile and is a trusting and loyal friend. He's empathetic and likes to listen to people's problems, a sagely savage. He likes people, and is a people person. It reminds him of when he had his child gangs, when his close friends looked up to him and came to him for advice. He mediates for people and will often check up on those around them to make sure that they're still doing well. Echo can even get jealous if people hide things from him instead of asking him to help. He's pretty perceptive of people's feelings too, so he can tell when people aren't being entirely honest with him.
He's also known for his competitive spirit, not just for himself, but for others. Echo will constantly try to psych up his team mates and get them to challenge one another to get stronger and fight harder. He strives to climb the ranks and for others to follow behind him. However, he can sometimes come off as a suck up because of this. He's terribly obedient and loyal to his leaders and would lay down his life if they asked. He goes out of his way to please. However, this isn't always a good thing and he's ended up badly wounded from his head-strong antics before.

As friendly as he is, though, Echo is pretty sarcastic and likes to poke fun at people. Those who don't know him well often times think of him 'mean' off the bat, but it's all in good humor. However, bad first impressions are a huge weakness of his. Sometimes, he doesn't know when to let a joke go or drop a shtick and he gets stuck with whoever was the brunt of the joke hating him and never giving him a second chance. On top of it all, he's also pretty trashy and likes to make lewd comments and jokes. He tried hard not to offend anyone, but he doesn't have much of a filter and constantly just says whatever is on his mind without thinking about consequences. He's ill mannered and brash and many people would even describe him as childish. He's impatient as well, for many things. He doesn't like waiting, will often jump to conclusions, and hardly ever thinks before he acts. 
Because of this, he can be careless in combat, often striking before he has a chance to survey his surroundings. He may have high perception, but that hardly helps when he's too impatient to implement it. He needs someone to balance him out. To make matters worse, Echo's quite violent. This may be good on the battlefield, but he also has a problem with lashing out at others and is prone to picking fights. It's the competitive nature combined with his impatience that feeds his strange blood lust. He's a valuable teammate, but quite a difficult one.

Background Information: 

Echo was born to a pair of drug addled parents that didn't want him. He was brought up tough and learned to fend for himself. He was a fan of street fights at a pretty young age, often inviting those around him to try their hand at besting him, even offering to beat kids up after watching them say or do anything to his friends. At 15, he was already known on his block for violence, but his parents didn't much care about it. If he got himself killed on the streets, they wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. Over the years, there grew a small gang that followed him around, and they would challenge other gangs in their neighborhood over trivial turf rights. We get this roof, you get the sewers. This warehouse is ours, but we'll fight you for yours. He had quite the following and quite the negative reputation. Eventually, too many kids moved away or their parents kept them out of Echo's gang wars and he was left with just one or two close friends that would fight beside him. When he was 16, he lost his eye and the person who took it became his first murder victim. His parents didn't do a thing for him after his injury, even refusing to take him to the hospital. They told him he deserved it.
When he was 17 and the disease took hold on him, his parents didn't pay much attention to him and let him lay in his room, fever-ridden and weak. When his fingernails turned orange and he knew he had the fabled 'Color-Syndrome', he tried to hide it, but his iconic axe handle slowly turned orange as well, stained by the creeping pigment up his palms. When his parents found it, they forced him out of their home, afraid he would infect them too. But a few months later and they knew it was already too late when the same bright orange color began to creep up their spines. They caught his disease and, unlike their son, they suffered, all the while begging the son they had abandoned to help them. They pleaded with him to come home and take care of them, to help them search for a cure, but he was hardened by their harsh words and not afraid to remind him of all the times they had neglected him. He scoffed at their pleas and left them to die, turning back to the city.
For two years, he stayed on the streets, an orange nightmare people began to call "the Banshee". Rumors had it that the shrill screams in the night were the ghosts of those taken by Color-syndrome. People knew Echo for his violence and the streak of his orange weapon in the night became infamous. They feared the diseased child and his murderous ways. He would stalk through the allies, knocking out thugs and homeless people to steal whatever they had on them to keep himself alive, but the people didn't see that. They only saw a murderous dog out for blood. Word spread about him from sector to sector until they crept into the right places, and into the right ears. Then, finally, someone from the Kaleidoscope heard of this reckless orange blur and picked him up. He was taken under the wing of the Ever Blues and has sense pledged himself to Azura to keep her safe.


- Birthday: November 12th (Scorpio)
- Likes fighting games
- Smokes analog cigarettes, but wants a cool box mod vape
- Likes holding things until they turn orange. (clothes, lighters, various accessories)
- Is talented at parkour and urban navigation and often climbs on things
- Self conscious of his lack of education
- Fascinated by the ways of the world before technology
- Likes biology and psychology
- Has a surprisingly large vocabulary
- Agender/Aromantic/Pansexual
Theme || 2 || 3
- Voice