Tariq Qadir



8 years, 10 months ago


⬗ Name: Tariq "Thrash" Qadir (TQ, Devil's Child, Sewer Demon, etc.)
⬗ Age: 26
⬗ Gender: Male
⬗ Height: 6'3"
⬗ Sexuality: Aromantic, Pansexual

⬗ Personality traits:
 - Aggressive/Cantankerous
 - Physical
 - Stoic
 - Callous
 - Cynical
 - Calculating and intellectual

⬗ Personality description:
Thrash is a lot to handle. Unlike most Sinners, he doesn't care if people can tell that he is one and actually sort of likes the physical manifestation of his infection. What he is isn't exactly a secret. However, he doesn't like for people to know how deep the rabbit hole goes. He doesn't like anyone to know much of anything about him and often comes off as hostile or hateful. He's not exactly mean or hostile, just very introverted and angry. Most people think of him as a brute, but he's actually rather intellectual and deft. Underneath his stony exterior he is fond of helping people. He loves being handed random instruments and being asked what they're for. People seem to fear him, but it's a commonly known fact that if you need something identified or repaired, Thrash will gladly do it in exchange for tools, use of the machine or item, soap and especially food. The easiest way to get him to warm up to you is to offer the mechanic a warm meal. 
Though he doesn't like being close to people, he's not above touching them. Thrash has no idea what personal space is and will often lean, sleep, or lay on someone, no matter how little he knows them. He's not afraid of touching people, or people touching him. If anyone ignores him or denies him, he will physically pick them up and PUT them where he asked for them to go. If any resistance is found beyond that point, he's not afraid to hit you. Thrash likes pain and picking fights. He's not afraid of losing or getting hurt-- because he knows he can handle it and get himself patched up in exchange for fixing up that old furnace.
When he gets a craving, he will often withdraw, close up shop and keep to himself, chewing on his thumbs until he's sure he can go out to hunt without interruption. He desperately fears being found out or exposed and will often attack people into running away from him when he feels a craving coming on in order to keep them safe. If he is denied food for long enough he will assume a sort of feral state until satiated with fresh meat and blood.
⬗ Strengths and skills: 
 - Able to dismantle weaponry, machinery, and vehicles to assess their mechanics
 - Can repair weaponry, machinery, and vehicles
 - Physically strong and capable of lifting and carrying heavy items
 - Surprisingly a good singer
⬗ Possessions: A large wrench he carries everywhere (and uses as a weapon), a toolbox, a lighter, oils/fuels/lubricants in his shop
⬗ Occupation: Mechanic, junk monger, rigger
⬗ Location: A dusty shop in a dark alley under the streets, just off the sewers.
⬗ Category: Category 3 Gluttony
⬗ For how long: 12 years
⬗ Effect: 
 - Physical changes: Horns
 - Psychological defects: Always hungry, if denied food for long periods of time he becomes violent, feral or even murderous. Over the years his patience has worn thin and his fuse just gets shorter and shorter.
⬗ Background: 
Tariq was born in the desert to a community of foragers. When the city became repopulated and society began to regrow his people merged with the urbanites, picking up jobs as industry workers. His father was a miner and died in a shaft collapse shortly after their arrival. His mother raised him and his twin brother alone until Tariq fell ill. Fearing for the safety of his twin, Tariq's mother sent him away from their home while she attempted to nurse her son back to health. However, his fever gripped him and he fell into a strange state of lapsing consciousness for months. For two trying years his mother spent every waking moment by his bedside, waiting for him to show signs of life. One day, just as she was losing hope for him, his eyes flickered open and he spoke to her for the first time in weeks. 
"I'm hungry."
Heeding her son's words, Tariq's mother sought for food for him, but no matter how much she fed him, he seemed insatiable. At first, she thought it was because he had been sick and not eating well for almost two years, but eventually he became impossible for her to provide for on her own. After several frighteningly frugal months, his strength was up and he was finally able to return to work, where he reunited with his brother and the three of them formed a family again. Tariq remained hungry and his family feared for him, afraid that he would lapse back into sickness unless they kept him fed. Food once again became scarce and work harder to find. After a week without solid food, Tariq seemed to seethe with hunger, often lashing out at his brother and mother for food they were unable to provide them... until he provided it for himself. It was quick and violent, but he slaughtered and feasted upon both of them, completely unaware of his actions. When he came to the next morning, he was mortified. He had heard whispers of Sinners, but never imagined that he was becoming one.
He fled the city.
Hunting and living on his own for a few years, he came to cope with his disease, reveling in the powers he found he gained when he feasted regularly. Eventually he ran into a small tribe living in the woods north of the city, composed of people who had originally come from his desert home. They had created a kind of society of their own, centered around the maintaining and restoration of lost machinery. They taught Tariq everything they knew and welcomed him into their pack. He lived in peace with them for several years until he was once again consumed by hunger and wiped them out. Dead set on it never happening again, Tariq moved into the city and set up shop in the sewers. Whispers circulated of the strange obvious Sinner in the basement who claimed to fix machines. He seemed angry and hate-filled and the nickname 'Thrash' surfaced. Years passed and eventually his shop was recognized for his talents, easily found by the rumors. Thrash was an infamous genius from the sewers and he loved every minute of it. Now all that was left was to hide his past and gain acceptance.
⬗ Additional information:
 - Always smells like scrap metal and oil, his fingernails are always dirty
 - Wears charcoal as eyeliner
 - Doesn't mind being chastised for being a Sinner and will often perpetuate his situation
 - Cravings signal his sin consuming him, he tries to keep this at bay by eating as often as he can
 - Prefers hunting himself so he can eat the flesh raw and freshly slaughtered
 - Hates wearing clothes, especially shoes
 - Likes pain