Cygnus / Verity



2 years, 8 months ago


Name Cygnus (Alias)
Verity (Chosen name)

Gender Genderless

Pronouns Ey/em or She/her

Age 24 (Physically)

Species Nymph / Lightprancer

Job Deity Smuggler

Theme 春隣、風となり。

Voice Lydia McKay (EN)
Kaoru Mizuhara (JP)

Birthday Octus 8 (Deihexian Time)
August 8 (Real-Earth Analog)

HTML Pinky


A fractured soul left behind after being forcefully separated from its vessel. Verity is both a piece of Van and the unwilling host of the Cygnet system, comprised of emself and Deneb. Ey currently reside in the body of Phakt, the last custodian of the temple's feretory which housed many religious artifacts, including the Limbus Grimoire where Verity was imprisoned.

Verity and Vanitas were once a creature known as a Lightprancer, a sacred creature to the Nymphs. They were captured and magically separated against their will for the sake of "science" and "advancement", but their powers were twisted into a tool of destruction which transformed Deihexis from a loose association of peoples united under similar, yet distinct, beliefs into a theocratic entity that then isolated itself from the outside world.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



BOOKS In spite of the nature of Verity's prison, ey're still quite fond of books, likely because stories were the only thing that kept em company for the eons they were sealed.

PRAISE / ATTENTION It was lonely being stuck in a book for so long, and considering how jealous she is of all the "attention" Vanitas got...

TRAVELING Verity mostly just likes moving around in general, but traveling is an absolute novelty for em since ey've only ever read about some of these places.

STARGAZING The stars vaguely remind Verity of home. She has few memories of life prior to being sealed, but they make her feel safe.


SLEEPING Verity is afraid of sleeping, but specifically of dreaming since her time in the Limbus Grimoire was like a very long dream.

DECEPTION The concept of "deception" is something completely foreign to Verity, as her original species communicated nonverbally and were literally incapable of deception.

MANUAL LABOR While Teth is decently strong, Verity doesn't actually like exerting physical effort if ey don't have to... Van is the muscle in her eyes

THE CHURCH Considering that they imprisoned her and used Vanitas as a puppet, I'm not sure what else you'd expect.



Attack 40%
Defense 60%
Magic 80%
Resistance 90%
Agility 85%
Stamina 70%
Strategy 60%
Luck 10%


Persistent Very persistent, seeing as she's willing to travel all around Deihexis to find a way to reunite her and Vanitas properly.

"Intelligent" Supposedly. Verity is intelligent in some respects, primarily in magic casting and the history of Deihexis and the church, but...her knowledge is spotty, uneven, and sometimes terribly outdated. Those books only had so much up-to-date information in them.

Honest Verity wears her intentions -- good and bad ones -- on her sleeve rather proudly.

Magically powerful Verity has a marginally better grasp of her innate magical abilities than Vanitas has on his. Verity's magic focuses on the distortion of light and short-distance teleportation.


Controlling Verity hates things being outside of eir control, especially Vanitas.

Naive While she's slowly learning, Lightprancers don't have a very strong grasp of "deception", so she's quick to believe people and often lacks tact when dealing with more delicate situations.

Vengeful Her desire to reunite with Vanitas is both because she feels incomplete and because she feels that he's had it too good for too long.

Physically weak Verity isn't a strong person, though this might be a side effect of Teth not having the most muscle power. She's just less likely to exercise what little physical strength they have.


Height 5'2"

Build Slim

Eyes Blue (Right) Purple (Left)

Skin Tone Brown

Hair Color Dark blurple

Hair Style Side braid

Demeanor Confident


  • Verity can shapeshift eir lower legs into bird legs, ey also have dark blue forked tailfeathers. Refer to the swallow-tailed kite.
  • Verity doesn't wear her hair down, ey pretty much always have it braided. It can be placed behind em or draped over either shoulder.
  • Verity doesn't take off the earring or jewel brooch on eir collar. Without the cape, ey put it on eir bowtie.
  • Verity can be drawn with both of eir eyes showing to the viewer. Eir heterochromia isn't something ey hide, really.
  • Icon credit: 491
  • "About" section credit: Eldur
  • "Trivia" section credit: SNES
  • "Design" section credit: klug
  • "Summary" section credit: tetrangel




Verity and Vanitas were originally born before Deihexis was a unified nation. They remember very little of this time, but Verity recalls living with their herd for a short while before being abandoned by their family.



While Van was being used as a puppet to prove the existence of "god" and to intimidate the people into submission, Verity was imprisoned within the Limbus Grimoire in an eternal dream state. The book was preserved for future research, but was inevitably forgotten as the original team of researchers became more and more corrupted by Van's influence and his ability to foresee the future. Her understanding of the world was limited to that hazy dream, and she was only able to "travel" mentally between the thousands of other books in the temple's archives.

With the grimoire's purpose long-forgotten, it become just one of the many "holy" artifacts housed in the main temple's feretory. A young nymph known as Albireo Beta became the primary custodian of these artifacts and discovered a psychic connection with Verity, and the two hatched a plan to free her-- and the entirety of Deihexis -- from this twisted rule.


Unfortunately, Vita and Verity's plan wasn't meant to be. Upon their first attempt at "dreamwalking", Albireo Beta perished gruesomely and Verity was once again left alone. Ey wouldn't meet another who could communicate with em until several years later, when Phakt arrived in the capital. He was following Vita's footsteps and pursuing the truth behind her untimely demise which had been buried for years by the church and hidden from their clan.

Phakt and Verity agreed to work together. Teth would learn the truth of Vita's time at the temple, why she was really there, and Verity would get back what rightfully belonged to her... And during the Epoch of Insurrection, the two broke free from the temple -- with Van in tow.





Verity's true vessel. Even though he's virtually unrecognizeable, and much more "human" than "Lightprancer", Verity knows that he is the "flesh" she was torn from all those years ago. She orders him around and finds his complete obedience to be a bit of a nuisance, but she thinks that she'll be able to whip him into shape eventually.




Verity's current physical vessel. Teth literally acts as Verity's eyes, ears, and legs until she can truly "reunite" with Vanitas. While the two of them made some sort of deal, Verity isn't always certain that Teth has been fully truthful with her... Unfortunately, they're the only options that both of them have.


Albireo β


A nymph who worked in the temple before her untimely demise. Teth seems to have been friends with her. She was the first person to extend help to Verity, but...