Mandisa Karam



2 years, 7 months ago


Traits: Moldening | Dark Scleras

Sweeticalware: Fork | Crystal Jewel + Bow + Rings

Candy Coated Mummy Cookie


Knowledgeable • Discreet • Smug

Name Mandisa Karam
Rarity Rare
Alignment Fallen
Gender Female (She/Her)
Height 5'6"
Age 566 | Looks ~20
Species Sweetical
Role Flanker
Demeanor Quiet
HTML Pinky

Candy Coated Mummy Cookie is a sweetical you'll rarely ever hear about, but you might just know her work. She's a espionage professional for hire, working for anyone who are able to pay the hefty price of her services- from shady groups looking to take down a rival leader, to political parties who need some dirt on their opponent. While she normally works alone, her minical- Bastet- is her partner in crime when the job needs two. Very active in her services during the fall months (gets the most done in October!), and spends the rest of the year in hiding, spending the time bettering her abilities and knowledge. Aaannnd, maybe a few weeks of stalking a Rein or two.



  • Honey-based Food
  • Reading and Books
  • New Places and Travel
  • Watching Sweeticals


  • Chocolate-based Food
  • Insects
  • Enclosed Spaces
  • Desert or Sand



A passive ability. Mandisa is able to perform a type of kinesis on the white-chocolate bandages of her magical outfit and gift them pseudo-life with hardly any magic. The bandages obtain serpentine attributes and “mentality” but remain loyal to Mandisa alone. Other kinds of fabrics- made of sweets or not- can also be influenced with a touch of her hand with more magic expended. Mummy Cookie can will affected fabrics back into their inanimate states.

Sweet Chrysina

A cheap ability. The gems in Mummy Cookie's necklace are enchanted with magic and transformed into scarab beetles that obey her wishes. Chrysina are pretty much magical drones, acting as a second set of eyes and ears to monitor and follow anyone Mummy Cookie sends them after. The Chrysina aren't that fast, very fragile and can be destoryed easily- relying soley on their size to stay hidden or inconspicuous while they follow a subject. Mummy Cookie can have up to five enchanted at a time until they are destroyed or disenchanted.

Swiss Nymphaea Bloom

A low-costing attack. Mummy Cookie rakes her fork on the ground and leaves behind a motion activated trap. Should anyone come in a certain radius, the trap will spring to life- white chocolate wrappings bloom from the floor and hold any part of the victim it can reach. The closer the victim is to the original enchanting, the more wrappings they'll have to deal with. Depending on rarity, the less slowed and trapped the sweetical will become.

Pharaoh’s Surprise

A low-costing attack. A handful's worth of small, round cases are summoned by Mummy Cookie and tossed onto the ground. Once making contact, the balls begin to admit thick green smoke, loud shreiking crackles and sparks. Think if someone made a firework that had Smoke Balls, Ground Flowers and a Spartan Scream, all combinded with magic. A great distraction, the smoke can cause short violent coughing fits and has a good chance of giving 2nd degree burns to anyone that might've stood a little too close.

Ivory Sarcophagus

An expensive, but fatal attack. Mummy Cookie plunges the end of her fork into the victim and holds them there. Then the following begins to happen: molten hot white-chocolate seeps from the fork's points and into the victim's body. The chocolate will quickly travel through the body- eventually hardening on the outside of victim and casing them completely in a layer of white chocolate. By then, the victim would've suffocated and suffered from severe interal and external burns, along with the chocolate hardening around organs and bones. Fire or Heat based sweeticals are more resistant to this attack but aren't fully safe. Mummy Cookie doesn't control the amount of chocolate flow, but can stop and start it whenever she wishes as long as she has magic to spend.

That’s a Wrap

A taxing last resort that requires her complete concentration. Mummy Cookie's body, with the exception of her eyes, is wrapped with a flurry of bandages. Once fully wrapped, when Mummy Cookie makes any move, the badages disintergrate rapidly- leaving Mummy Cookie (and her sweeticalware) completely invisable to the naked eye. It lasts only a few minutes, and the slight glow of Mummy Cookie's eyes tend to shine through the invisable state, and magical means of sight can detect her. Often used with Pharaoh's Surprise.


As the chilly Halloween night approached, the malicious spirits of beings from the past were wandering the scorched, desert-like wasteland of the planet where this particular ceremony was taking place... The Candy Coated Mummy Cookie was baked.

Her baker was a being nowhere near to Mummy Cookie's likeness. Insectoid in appearance with a ghastly sense of morals to go along with it; in her eyes, to be frank, he was a monster through and through. Mummy Cookie was always meant to be a test subject- a play thing- to sedate his own curiosity and wonder of the Sweetical species and their habits. Baker would often push Mandisa to points she never expected to come back from- mentally and physically breaking her time and time again. She hated him for it. While what he was trying to accomplish had been achieved- unwrapping and quenching his thirst for sweetical knowledge hands on- Mandisa did come out of it stronger and determined. She wont let someone have so much power over her again... no, she'll be the one in charge.

Nowadays Mummy Cookie relishes in the benefits of her work and her (still fairly new) liberty. Being able to purchase more books for her personal library- some in languages she has yet to learn- or a necklace fitting of her only constant companion, Bastet. She’ll never forget the first time she visited Glaclia… the feeling of frost nipping at her face, as the powdered sugar fell from the sky… it was fantastic. But aside from the spoils of her work, Mandisa makes an effort to keep up with the political winds and events of the galaxy, listening and preparing for the turn of opportunity. Rumors of a sweetical who set whole towns to flame, just cause he wanted to- one of a feared sweetical with a freakish fascination of teeth with a demented smile to go along with it. A sweetical with his own cult, praised as an unholy and hungry savior. One of a dashing, imposing, sweetical with black forever leaking from his eyes- a leader of a fierce team that demanded respect. Or a sweetical who looked nothing like a sweetical. A lady rumored to be beastly- insectoid- and giant. A brutal foe who’d be more than a challenge to take down.
Rumors or not, Mandisa is more than excited to weed out the truth from lies herself, and watch everything unfold with a sly smile.


Mandisa wasn't baked with stale sweets during her ceremony, instead she was infected with the disease somewhere down the line- about a few years after she stopped aging. While she doesn't remember when she had the Moldening, she does recall HOW; of course, it was by her baker and his insatiable curiosity. It was introduced to Mummy Cookie via another sweetical, fighting the other to survive. She killed them off, but not without them biting her arm during the whole scuffle. At the time, nothing much came of it nor would Mandisa even think about it- thinking the whole event was just another test she had to endure by her baker and nothing more. Nowadays, she's come to terms with how wrong she was, even content about her current state. Then again, that could be the moldening itself warping her thoughts. Surpisingly, she doesn't yet have the uncontroable urge to just kill and eat as many Sweeticals as she can, but carries and accepts payment of Sucure Cores instead of money for her services on occasion, should the urge ever come.


Mummy Cookie believes that the Reins will be nothing but trouble for herself and her ambitions in the future, so keeping tabs on them now would be best in the long run. Stalking and watching any that intrest her or begin to get too close to her operations, pages on pages of notes could be made on just a single Rein. Where they live, what friends they made that day, little ticks they have- any and all learned from them is important to Mandisa; for any and all those things hold a chance to rid this threat. One at a time.

??? are odd to Mummy Cookie. Strange, how a sweetical could be made with such "indecision". But as long as they stay in their lane, she'll stay in hers.

Candy Coated Mummy Cookie has been taught time and time again that the only being she can TRULY rely on is herself. She dislikes working with fellow Fallen- she dislikes even just talking to most. Just as the Rein, she sees them as a potential threat to her desires, but nowhere near as pressing as said Rein. She tends to keep tabs of the Ledgendary and Mythical rarities, purely out of intruige and (she wont admit aloud) impressed awe. Of course there are acceptions to all this, and she's managed to make allies. Not FRIENDS. . . but allies of a few Fallen.

  • Mandisa means "Sweetness" or "Sweet". Karam has different meanings but in Mummy Cookie's case, it's "Solidarity".
  • Mummy Cookie has Cleithrophobia.
  • Faintly smells of melted chocolate.
  • The bandages/wrappings in her magical outfit are pretty much endless- so you can just continuously unwrap her.
  • Very soft spoken, and it doesn't help that she has her mouth covered most of the time.
  • Gossip is her go-to guilty pleasure. Kinda like a Saturday telenovela- she knows there's better stuff out there, but damn does she get hooked.


/ Work in progress. Her Minical /


/ Coming Soon /

/ Work in progress. If intrested in relationships, feel free to message or go ahead n link! /


/ Coming Soon /

/ Work in progress. If intrested in relationships, feel free to message or go ahead n link! /


The Sixth Station - Joe Hisaishi