Elanora Yeboah



2 years, 7 months ago


elanora yeboah



what could you have done?

stoic quiet solemn

nora is dry and a little stiff at first meeting, but will open up to you when she wants to. she's sarcastic, but considerate enough of others around her. probably the nicest of her friendgroup, but she's just hard to adjust to if one is used to very open and forward people. she's shy, but not really. she just likes to be ominous, if anything. she loves old tech and spends her free time repairing random stuff she bought at thrift stores and making weird shit out of it. or just using it in general. it's fun. her and her friends spend a lot of time out in the forest, being stupid. recently she has drifted from her normal group, in some sort of desperate attempt to find herself. still, she feels the need to conform to them just because of what she feels is owed-leaving people behind is kind of hard. cherryton has been good in terms of the hybrid getting out there a little bit more, so she's been very happy with the new people she's met. still, she struggles with feeling unimportant and unnoticed. it isn't something she brings up a lot, but she does worry about it a lot internally.

she's never been super cautious around carnivores because she believes she can hold her own, but is very protective of her horn and doesn't like to talk about instincts very much. yet, she very commonly helps her friend, yrsla, curb her instincts by sparring with the other. this has led to a few close calls, hence a new little scar on her right hand from when yrsla had bit her. she doesn't really dwell on bad things, so she doesn't talk about her views on issues like that very much.

extrovert introvert
realistic intuitive
logical emotional
organized impulsive
clay• the garden
code by cati