


2 years, 6 months ago


Stars #1625 RU - link

-Tom [ Demiboy | They/he ]

-Mysterious and enjoys telling tales to kits

-Has a unique view on hunting

-Hunter of LagoonClan

-Cinnamon Smoke

-70 moons

Redfang snickered at the kitten's question. Should he answer them truthfully, or really give them a run for their prey? Smiling, the tom displayed his feline fangs.

"The way I catch prey isn't how most Hunters you know do it. I must indite my Muse of the dark arts to aid me in my killing quest. First I take a deep breath, chant while bowing my head, and the prey's location is made known to me. Like the fog dissipating in the harsh rising sun!" The kit's eyes widened. More where coming to gather around. "Next, I stalk into the deep, dark ferns, alert to every little sound. The prey has no idea of the predicament about to befall them," Redfang paused, for dramatic effect, of course.

Gazing wide-eyed into the unknown, the tom continued. "Up ahead, there it is! The fluffy figure about to succumb to my savage desire! I wind up my immense muscles and leap forth, crushing the bones of the small mammal as easily as if it were a thin, brittle twig. My head shoots down to the squeaking, squawking prey and my fangs latch on!" He barred his teeth menacingly, now looking at each individual kit. His body swooped from one of the the tiny crowd to the next, theatrically.

"As I have not done this deed on my own, I call upon my beautiful Muse of the dark arts to give her her fair share of the kill." The tom's tail flicked up into the air. 

"Chanting once more, I bestow upon her three fourths of the critter's soul. This rejuvenates her spirit and she lives to hunt with me another day! And for the last fourth of the soul, I receive it, for whatever use I see fit...Perhaps I could use it to grow my fangs out." Another swoop by the crowd, this time the opposite way, and hissing like a bat, spooking a couple younger kittens, and making the others giggle.

The original child yipped with wonder and scampered off to tell their siblings, stealing a couple glances back at the Hunter. Redfang smirked and reminded the rest of the kittens how late it was getting.