


2 years, 10 months ago



Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5' 8"

Occupation(s): Highschool student, unsure of what she wants to do in her future

Relationships: Carmen is dating Ash, who she also has a band with. Her best friend is called Rachael, and the two have known each other since pre-school. She was adopted by Arthur, who she doesn't get along with well these days.

Hobbies/Interests: Carmen, much like her boyfriend Ash, loves skateboarding. The two go to the skatepark together often. Aside from that, Carmen loves old rock music and playing guitar. She's very talented at playing music and even writes her own. She's somewhat of a party-animal. 

Personality: Hot-headed and aggressive. Carmen can get mad really easy and blow up at people. Her friends help her manage her temper though, slowly but surely she is improving at handling things calmly. 

Carmen does not care about school or grades at all, often sneaking out or not doing assignments. Her father has chided her time and time again for this but she doesn't listen. Carmen also likes to sneak out at night, going to parties and hanging out with friends without her parent knowing it. She lives for the thrill of breaking the rules.