Tiberius Nakaya



2 years, 6 months ago




in search of a better place to learn and grow a business, tiberius travelled to caligula. this is where they met harlow dupont and dupont enterprises, applying for an achitecture/ceo internship with the company and growing to love the city. all falls apart when the company falls apart, and their coworker betrays them all.

They made their way to Harlows office door, stopping before attempting to turn the handle. It was jammed-was it locked? That was odd. Harlow never locked her door.

tiberius likes to see the good in any situation. their positivity can seem a little too much at times, but the energy is a bit infectious on a good day. they love to talk to people and meet new friends, frequenting the radiowaves in many searches for new people to talk to and new perspectives on caligula as a whole! recently they've lost a lot of that energy they once had, and seem more pessimistic.. maybe something is on their mind?




tech savvy




emotionally motivated

a little erratic


passive aggressive

tiberius loves and is loyal to the company that taught them so much, maybe even to the point where it blinds them a little bit. they do believe they are doing the right thing when they defend the duponts actions, even though sometimes it is a little over the top. motivated by a lot of their feelings, tiberius is on a shaky ledge towards their downfall, and this only increases the more they isolate themselves with their inventions and their memories of what caligula once was.


talking about tech


lack of empathy

loud noisees



  • their hair doesnt have to be perfectly the same colourwise! its all over the place
  • thin build, but they tend to wear baggier clothing
  • wears a lot of ties
my love


Tiberius was born in a small town not too far away from Caligula, always hearing the stories of success and wonder that came out of there. It was a dream from early on to travel and eventually work for a CEO but they kept their days busy by creating and nuturing skills that would take them there-whatever that be.

When they were 15 they created their first fully fuctioning robot, which they titled FIRSTBOT-a very fitting name for a very simple machine. It did very easy commands, but it was pretty technologically advanced for somebody still in middle school. They only improved from hereon, their parents finidng ways to make ends meet so they could nuture Tiberius' insatiable need for creation and invention. When they couldn't afford all of the robot parts that Tiberius needed Tib resorted to making masks and intricate interactive outfit designs, something which they dedicated just as much if not more time to. They were interested in anything and everything they could get their hands on-and it was soon enough that they picked up architecture and building design as an inspiration too.


At the ripe age of 22, Tiberius made out for Caligula. Having working a somewhat well paying job at one of the local tech stores for about all of their teenage to adult life they had a fair amount of savings, and knowing how Caligula operated by heart they could definitely swear they were ready for the place. It was true, as soon as they settled in Caligula they felt accepted, immediately making friends and connections over the radiowaves and beginning to expand not only their network but their understanding of how this place worked. Out of pure luck and also due to being very qualified, Tib was nominated and got into an intern program at the one and only DuPont Enterprises, working with one of the greats- Harlow DuPont, a CEO that Tiberius had only previously read about in pamphlets and books. Immediately starstruck but also inspired, they got to work!


Tiberius was the one to walk in on Harlow right after Asolo had attempted to assasinate her- immediately freaking out, and watching as their beloved boss and CEO was taken away in the most mysterious of circumstances. Somewhere deep down, Tiberius would like to believe that Harlow is still alive, but they have a dreading feeling that such a thing is not true. They have gone back to very minimal invention making, while trying to still be as opportunity savvy as they once were. It's a little harder now, with this foreboding feeling.. Tiberius feels like they need to do something, but they're unsure what.


  • Tiberius is currently working on their biggest project yet-a fully interactive mask with a fabric that is controlled by ones brain and can move with thoughts. It's very high tech.
  • Zipbot, a bot running rogue in the underground, is one of Tiberius' early creations-they brought it with them to Caligula, but ended up not needing them anymore and attempting to scrap the robot for parts. It didn't work, obviously.
  • Their favourite wing is Anthea, but Tiberius seems to have a general distaste for going underground.
  • Knows all of Caligula's history like the back of their hand.