


2 years, 8 months ago



  • age Unknown
  • gender Male
  • Morph Belgian hare
  • Species Rabbit

Del's pet rabbit.

Like most Belgian hares, Piñata is rather clever - though some (Sango) would make the argument that he's a little too clever. He's got a habit of sitting very still and staring at empty spaces when outside, and doors and window when inside. He moves with purpose, unlike the pent-up zoomies of other domesticated rabbits. In a lot of ways, he acts far more like an actual wild hare than a pet rabbit, and the effect can be...a little unnerving.

Piñata also stays very close to Del. Very close; the rabbit accompanies him everywhere from the park to school to the arcade. It's not technically allowed, but he's somehow calm and well-behaved enough that nobody seems to notice a rather large rabbit in Del's backpack all day.

size 9lbs (4kg)

goes by N/A

origin Unknown

occupation Pet


Fun Facts

  • Remarkably calm for a hare
  • Favourite treat is blackberries
  • Loves to annoy Sango


Belgian hares aren't exactly inexepensive as far as pet rabbits come. They're usually bred for meat, and come with a variety of health issues. Piñata just sort of showed up one day whilst Del was out skateboarding and stuck to him, and after a fairly rigorous search for a potential owner (including rounds made to all the local rabbits breeders), the Evers just shrugged and decided to keep him.

Del was overjoyed, of course, but Niamh and Marcus were very clear that the rabbit was to be Delaney's responsibility only - no shirking the rabbit's care onto Dani or his parents, or Piñata was going right to the shelter. Whilst Del promised to take care of his new pet, he was just a young kid, and found his attention slipping.

Oddly enough, the lapse in care didn't seem to bother Piñata much. After a talking-to about responsibility and some growth, Del picked up the slack and got back to caring for his rabbit on a routine schedule.




Late summer, 1986.



Del Evers

[ Owner ]


Dani Evers

[ Family ]


Niamh Evers

[ Family ]


Marcus Evers

[ Family ]


Shion Harland

[ Friend ]


Maho Harland

[ Friend ]


Sango Harland

[ Friend ]

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