Cordelia's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

OCCVLTIST Global Rules

These terms are subject to change at any time.

Selling, trading, or gifting of the design is allowed, but you are not allowed to sell it for more than you paid for it. Do not try to profit off my art.

  • If the character has extra commissioned art, you are allowed to resell it for the price you originally paid + the amount of money you put into the character.
  • Art received in trades are NOT allowed to inflate the price.

As stated, you may resell characters that you have purchased, but you are not allowed to sell characters that were received in trades or as a gift. Characters received in trades or gifts are only allowed to be re-traded or re-gifted!

  • Characters that you have purchased are allowed to be traded.

You are allowed to change some details (colors, markings, species, gender, etc) as long as it does not become completely unrecognizable. If you want to change a lot about it, I'd appreciate you letting me know first!

I must be credited for the art and design if reuploaded. You do not need to credit me as the designer in every piece of art of the character you draw / receive by others.

  • For customs, you may add yourself as the designer if you had a lot of input in the creation.

I prefer to know where my designs are going to help me keep track of them (so there is no stealing or the like). If sold, traded, or gifted to someone that does not have a, please do not just delete the character! 

  • You may even send it back to me to stash inside a private folder (it will not be reused by me in any way).

Breaking any of my rules will result in blocking and blacklisting. If it was an honest mistake, we can talk about it.