Milo Pavlov



6 years, 9 months ago



NameMilo Pavlov
BirthdayJanuary 16th
FamilyMaria (mother), David (father), Anthony (brother)
BackgroundMilo lived with his mother, father, and older brother in a somewhat low-income house. His mother traveled from Russia to America, soon enough meeting David and marrying him where they eventually settled. Milo was bullied through most of his life, but it did not give him too many troubles as he looked to his family for support. However, at the age of 15, a group of his most vicious attackers trapped him in an alleyway and tried to stab his eye out. Luckily, he moved in time to avoid the knife, but it left him with a nasty scar and partial blindness in his right eye. His brother, Anthony, found him and beat the other kids before helping his brother to the hospital. A few years later at 18, his mother passed away in a car crash he was involved in. The car rolled and trapped the two, but his mother died after 20 minutes as rescuers tried to help them out of the vehicle.
PersonalityMilo is quite reserved and blunt, but also clueless when it comes to some social interactions. His face is usually blank as he is often thinking of his own things, and he hides his smile if it so happens to show on a rare occasion. However, even despite being a pessimist, if someone shows him love and gains his trust, he starts to break out of his shell and jokes around a lot more. On the other side, he can also be really sassy if he is really pissed, but most of the time he does not say anything and tries to avoid interactions as much as possible.