Snotty Bubble



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Snotty Bubble


Earth pony




Her bird, Boogie; crossword puzzles; listening to music; exchanging letters with friends and family


Sneezing on ponies; large social events; getting asked about her cold; school


A pony whose special talent is, unfortunately, that she is always sick. She's almost never seen without her pet budgerigar, Boogie.

Snotty Bubble is a timid filly who finds socializing a difficult task; not because she’s afraid of anypony, but because of her perpetual cold. She can't avoid sneezing, coughing, or blowing her nose, and this is always a source of great embarrassment to her. As a result she’s withdrawn, and prefers to communicate through written correspondence than through any face-to-face meetings. Of course, she can’t avoid all such meetings, since she has to go out sometimes! When she does have to talk to other ponies, she’s as polite as can be, and will quickly apologize should she have to sneeze or blow her nose. Usually when she’s out and about, she wears a flu mask over her muzzle to avoid sneezing on anypony.

Though she does often shy away from social encounters, her pet doesn’t want to see his owner become a recluse. The little bird named Boogie often hides away in her mane, tugging at her hair or nibbling on her ear if she becomes uncooperative. He’s even been known to mess with her letters to try and force her into being more social. Though the bird can get on her nerves at times, Snotty is grateful for Boogie’s help

Snotty’s life hasn’t been an easy one, that’s for sure. She was born in a quiet, secluded village, and even at a young age she had a problem with the sniffles. Everypony in her family suffers from some sort of chronic ailment, and rumors drift about that her family’s cursed. Snotty doesn’t believe those rumors, but it’s hard to deny that there is something strange about her and her relatives. Snotty was disappointed that after one particularly explosive sneeze she gained a cutie mark signifying her greater-than-average phlegm production. This led to a lot of teasing in school over having a useless and gross special talent... just another reason for her to shy away from other ponies.

As she grew older she found it harder and harder living in a town where everypony seemed to whisper about her and her family behind her back. With the help of a supportive aunt, Snotty moved out to live in Ponyville, where nopony knew her. She thought that this would surely help her get over the teasings and rumors she grew up with. But she found making friends very difficult when she was constantly worried about sneezing on somepony. Loneliness started to get to her, until one day she received a letter from her aunt suggesting that she look into getting a pet. Snotty took the suggestion, and soon she was sharing her small home with a little bird she named Boogie. It didn’t take long for the bird to start helping Snotty become more sociable, and she soon began to build a normal life in Ponyville, one step at a time.