
2 years, 7 months ago


~Name: Xiao Ping~Age: 28~Species: Mix of a macaque and a Golden Lion Tamarin Demon monkey~Pronouns: He/They(Trans Male)~Sexuality: Gay~

Ping is the child of Xiao Lin and The six eared Macaque/liù ěr (Lego Monkie Kid)

Voice claim?: Either Taron Egerton (I like his voice as Johnny from sing) or Umber! (They have two songs i feel fit "Ghost" and "Villian")

"Xiao Ping had never met his father until recently...With Macaque telling Ping That he has a lot of unused potentials and that he could help Ping learn powers he never even knew he could learn in the first place-  Ping always wanted to learn how to fight so he could help out MK and the crew- But his mother never wanted him to learn due to her getting a life long injury from it...

Macaque at first only wanted to use Ping to get back at Wu Kong, Mostly tricking Ping into fighting MK by "Surprising him by showing him how much he(ping) has improved and to show MK he can hold his own weight now for the crew" which would end up scaring Monkey king as well as lowering his guard and focusing on Ping and MK. But as the training continues and a few other things happen Macaque starts to recoil from his plans now that he started to be protective and parental of Ping...Not knowing if this is what he wants-"

-Ping is neutral good, His whole goal is to keep others safe and do the best he can, He does his best at being a good person! always trying to help others and putting them before himself...regardless of how the task sounds- this can put him in a lot of danger and the only things he gets hesitant about, is if it puts others in danger or something illegal- AKA "anything he grew up knowing that his mother would be mad about"

-Ping for most of his life never grew up with powers- Until he meet Macaque! He had no idea or was ever told of his powers aside from his human disguise. (more about all of this will be under powers) Later not only does he learn his father's powers but the powers on his grandfather (Lily) and his mothers side.

-He stays with his mother and helps care for her due to her injury making it harder for her to daily life tasks

-He does have autism, He likes to Flap his hands when excited or happy, But ping can have a hard time making eye  contact/paying attention(or focusing too much on something) And he does  like to info dump and just talk a lot about things he does/likes (He  likes to info dump on any of his friends but MK likes to join in on it  when he can)

~Ping's Likes/passions 

-He loves to draw/paint his favorite things to draw are environments/Animals/And Skies! He also likes to draw with MK *He also likes to draw his friends*

-Ping has had a strong passion for playing the Kalimba! growing up he likes  to bring it with him when he can, and it helps him claim down

-If he had to choose...Ping would choose instrumental over songs with words but he still likes to hum or sing the words at times

-Ping like to listen to the rain and likes to feel the wind, The wind makes him feel energetic! and Ping likes to sit in his window nook and listen to nice tunes while it rains.

-He  loves to play video games like Platformers, Simulators, Multiplayer,  and Ones with a rich story and rhythm games (examples: Slime rancher/Animal  crossing/one-shot/Stardew valley)

-He likes to collect and stare at Lava lamps/snow globes/glow sticks and liquid motion bubblers, He enjoys soft sounds and nice glows! He keeps what he collects on a shelf and his favorites the closest to where he can reach them.

~Ping's Dislikes

-Ping does not have much of a sweet tooth, He will maybe eat a small piece of cake or a piece of candy and can only have a cup of a surgery drink, but that's as much as he can handle.

-He does not like loud sounds *due to his autism and also later on getting used to his six-Ears! he is a bit more sensitive to the more sudden/without warning noises...having six ears did not help with that* (yelling/certain kinds of music like rock/Fireworks/Firecrackers/ Thunder) If anything it is more of him being taken aback by it than just hearing it. When the sound gets to him he gets very emotional- and even though he trusts his friends/family, He does not like crying in front of them.

-As much as he wanted to learn to fight he does not want to fight without a reason (which is why he was skeptical about helping out Macaque at  first)

-Anything related to horror (movies/games/stories) If he were to have a chance at playing/watching these it would need to be practically clinging to a friend.

~Fears...or Angst

-Ping worries about being too closely resembling his dad regardless of if it's appearance-wise or inheriting Macaque's powers, Later on in the story...Ping gets his father's six ears- and that is what sets in stone for Macaque that Ping is his biological child. Ping during this whole time has been told to be careful of Macaque and that he was bad news from Monkey King-And now that Ping himself finds out Macaque is his father and that's where all this new power comes from-He starts to worry that he might also end up like Macaque. But he is most worried about losing his friends and family. Though that fear has gotten better with time.

-He has thalassophobia (the fear of deep bodies of water) When Ping has nightmares they have started to mostly be of either him submerging in water or next to a mirror with his father in it. He does not have them often but they are the two most common nightmares for him.

-He is scared of disappointing his family even though they always tell him he is doing great, he still worries about what the people close to him think about him. (This mostly comes from anxiety!)