Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

General Warnings

  • There will be characters based on predatory men, and a whole team of characters based on parodies of the bigoted nature of some of the wider DB fanbase, such as homophobia/transphobia/sexism. This mainly meant to vent my experiences with them, as well as what I've witnessed. Proper warnings will show up in their profiles, as well as mentions of them in some of my other character's profiles.
  • There will be some NSFW, with content warnings put on them.
  • Blood/violence will show up, including death.
  • Abuse/mental illness themes will show up.
  • Teenage pregnancy mentions will show up, in relation with some characters. Warnings will be put up regarding these mentions.

  • Don't ask to trade/buy any design that isn't for sale.
  • I occassionally design characters for other people, too, but don't demand for me to design you a character. Unless you're a very good friend, my partner or willing to pay me for a design, don't do this.
  • Don't steal my OCs' designs. And don't use my OCs as your own, for that matter.
  • Don't draw NSFW of my characters. SFW fanart is okay, though!
  • I use DB canon VERY, VERY loosely. Don't bother to debate me on it. I'm very aware that some of the events I write here are basically rewritten from End of Z, GT and beyond. Aspects of Super will be rewritten too.
  • Don't bother to interact with me if you find the idea of incest or pairings with adult/children appealing. It makes me uncomfortable, and I don't care if it's fiction.
  • I'm very selective on shipping my OCs with others', and often than not, I will stick to their "canon" pairings (which is often than not, my partner Bher's OCs). Don't berate me if I say no to your request of shipping my ocs with yours.

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