Cassandra Hazard



8 years, 10 months ago


Name: Cassandra Hazard
Age: 21 years old
Gender: Female
Height: 162 cm
Region: Daylight
Job Class: Knight
Weapon: Broadsword
Element: Fire

Cassandra is headstrong and wild. She has a tendency to say things (very) bluntly and couldn't sugar-coat the truth to save her life. She's brash and doesn't think things through before she acts - which often get's her into trouble.

She can often be found in the Knight's training room "helping" new recruits. More often than not she just yells and beats on them. She prefers to be called "sir" while on-duty and will not take insubordination from anyone. Especially from those under her direct command.

Her most prized possession is the gold pocket watch that once belonged to her father. She still visits her mother from time to time but is usually too busy with knight work to see her.

She has a secret soft spot for animals but is terrified of children.... too bad little kids seem to be drawn to her.

Cassandra Hazard was born in Alta Visum, a city whose name means "lofty view" in Latin. Built directly into the side of a mountain, the city uses the high altitude and shade from the mountain to keep cool in the eternal sunlight that is the Daylight region. Only the wealthy can afford to live in the coolest part of the city - The upper sector, the highest point in Alta Visum. The poor are relegated to the slums at the bottom of the mountain, the hottest part of the city. Cassandra grew up in the middle sector of the city. Her father was a knight, however he died when she was very young (six years old) after villains attacked the group of collectors he was guarding. Her mother worked hard, yet struggled to provide for their two-person family. Finally it became too much for her and when Cassandra was 8 years old, her mother sent her to live with her father's brother (her uncle). Like her father, her uncle was a knight, and he immediately began training Cassandra in the ways of weaponry and hand-to-hand combat. Under her uncle's tutelage, Cassandra became an adept at martial arts and a skilled swords-woman. She was inducted into the knights at age 16, and quickly rose in the ranks. Though she was strong, she didn't plan things through and shortly after joining the knights she was defeated by a crafty villain in battle. The villain should have killed her, but instead left her alive out of pity. Cassandra, however, would forever bear the scars from the encounter. Spurred on by her humiliating defeat and her desire for revenge, Cassandra redoubled her efforts and became the leader of the Daylight knights. She has searched and searched but has yet to face that villain in combat again.

Artist's comments:
I wonder how many of you can guess the anime characters that influenced Cassandra's design? There are *counts fingers* three of them. Cookies to those who guess right.
Really no particular rhyme or reason to her broadsword's design, other than the fact that I like painting gold and silver, and have always thought that swords with runes on them were cool.