Karma Akito



6 years, 8 months ago




Name || Karma Akito
Gender || Male
Age || 22
Ethnicity || Unknown - Not Human
Orientation || Depends on his mood
Occupation || Swaying humanity into living for themselves, and not a make believe sky daddy
Theme || The Devil In I



Karma Akito, was born in desolation. His birth place his unknown, as well as his real age. He appears to look in his early 20's, but smarter than the average person in that age bracket. Karma has a sole purpose in the world of humans. It's tempting them into the other realms deemed sinful, to cave into one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Karma has a power of persuasion, among other things. He can hypnotize, and put a person into a sedated sleep. His eyes shine of a golden yellow and green. With black and green hair. His tattoos consist of the Leviathan Cross on his neck, a upside down cross under his right eye, and a pentagram with 666 around it on his shoulder neck area. He has pointed ears, with piercings and gauged ears. His right eye has two piercings just below it. Karma can use a form of spiritual power to glide off the ground to fly. He's often seen as a sort of spirit, as he whispers the temptations of the dark book into peoples ears. To churn them from their closed minded society. Karma is a firm believer in "what goes around comes around" he makes sure to live up to that quote. Karma is immune to disaster, as that is what he spreads to others. Whispering things into their ears. Karma's full job is still unknown, but for the most part is clear. He is too spread calamity among the human race. As they are seen as another animal, rather than humans. He can also use his hands to read the past of others.

Seven Deadly Sins
   Pride is an excessive belief in one's own abilities.
    Envy is wanting what others have, be it status, abilities, or possessions.
    Gluttony is the desire to eat or consume more than you require.
    Lust is a powerful craving for such as sex, power and money.
    Anger is the loss of rational self-control and the desire to harm others.
    Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain.
    Sloth is laziness and the avoidance of work.

Karma has a dark past. A woman, name is unknown. He fell in love, being who he was. It was very unlikely, not a wise decision. The woman fell victim to his charms, and the way of his words. The times Karma and her were not together, felt like an eternity of madness to him. They spent almost ever waking moment together. Till one day they got into a heated argument. She left for the day, and after 2 days Karma went searching for her. Looking through all the hot spots she would be in. To no relief, he did not find her. Struck with disappointment, he walked along the sidewalk back home to their place in the middle of the night, after searching most of the day. He stopped as a foul stench caught his attention. Walking over, looking into the deep ditch beside him filled with rain water from the storm the day before. He seen a body floating upside down. To much of his alarm he went to examine the body in fear it was "her". Falling back onto the ground to his shock, it was "her" he placed his hands on her face to read the past of what happened. There was man he convinced to break away from his religious hold some time ago, as that was his job. The deadly sin he convinced the man to indulge in was "Anger". He was the one that murdered his beloved. He was the spirit that convinced people to indulge in their sins. Little did he know, his cursed life would turn around on him so terribly. As they say about 'Karma' it's "What goes around, comes around". Since this day, Karma has chosen to ever open or let himself become consumed by affection from another person. People were his sheep, he was the wolf.